windows containers without docker desktop

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Another option may eventually be Rancher Desktop if they add Windows support, but it is currently limited to Linux containers. I got this error, I solved it by running WSL itself with admin privileges when opening the WSL window to run sudo dockerd. 2. For windows developers and sysadmins, app-v means hosting (and running) your apps on a virtual server - but the GUI for them appears on the client machine's desktop. There are 2 choices for the alternative iptables (providing /usr/sbin/iptables). For communication over the socket, privileged access is required. Windows 11 Education: 2 TB. Strange my Debian is so far behind. You can't run Liunx containers on Windows directly. If the upgrade command succeeded, you can skip this section. The daemon is running in wsl so probably you need to specify paths in the wsl subsistem. Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgrade. In the original post it says you only need to do this for Debian but not Ubuntu, and I'm using Ubuntu so I skipped that step originally. I'm not sure what happened to the previous reply: $ dpkg -S /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy Once suspended, _nicolas_louis_ will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. Exactly my thoughts, there's too much complexity here + there's more comprehensive guide on how to install docker in Linux on official docker website which takes half of this article. Except for you, of course, for which I am extremely grateful. Windows 11 Enterprise: 6 TB. I will comment with more detail in your answer. ", echo `ifconfig eth0 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}. HyperV is not stable enough on Linux, and VirtualBox is blocked by corporate rules. This is because all Windows accounts use the same VM to build and run containers. The following often works, but is not advisable when launching WSL docker from Windows: Instead of doing the above haphazardly, when launching WSL docker from Powershell, two recommendations: Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080, and happiness will result. I'm curious why you'd use a custom script to start dockerd rather than just using service docker start? Thanks for the help. on the top right of the section "Containers" and select "Edit settings", You'll get around 56 settings and you search for "Docker:Host" where you put the line "tcp://" where you can replace the highlighted ip address by the one you got before, Once done, you come back to the panel and you click on "refresh" icon (top right of each sections) and you would get information from your dockerd running in WSL2. Now I have started using docker desktop again. So, the Windows deamon is part of the product "Docker Desktop" then? Hello, there is a small error in regex provided to get the host's IP address; if the output of ifconfig eth0 returns this: it will match the line starting with "TX packets too". In VSCode, I update my Docker:Host setting with tcp://localhost:2375 : Now I can know create a dedicated powershell script with the previous line : start_docker.ps1. (Just dial DOCKR on your telephone keypad) Not likely to be already in use, but check anyway: If the above command returns a line from /etc/group (that does not include docker), then pick another number and try again. Docker Desktop gives you access to both Windows Containers and Linux containers, by leveraging WSL 2. You simply package each application into a container and run it. $ iptables --version I removed the Debian WSL for now. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! There's no fight between Windows and Linux since wsl2. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. Now it is possible to run Docker on Windows or MacOS. I'm using it on windows and I've understand the concept (a container is just a linux process with a bit more isolation than a classic process). The top 50 must-have CLI tools, including some scripts to help you automate the installation and updating of these tools on various systems/distros. In a windows terminal running with administrator privileges, I set the Execution policy with : And every time I want to run dockerd, I launch the start_docker.ps1 script: And if you see API Listen on, Now, I want to use docker without -H parameter, for this, I add a new system environment variable called DOCKER_HOST set to tcp://localhost:2375. Redefined,${ID}/gpg, Ubuntu on WSL2 : in Microsoft Store Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Docker extension for VSCode : directly from Visual Code Extensions Marketplace. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. Try the following to see if they are part of the sudo or wheel group: On distros that have a sudo group, such as Ubuntu and Debian, you should see something like sudo:x:27:myusername and on distros that have a wheel group, such as Fedora and Alpine, you should see something like wheel:27:myusername. They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. (, I currently start dockerd with "-H tcp://" and it does work, I can pull images, run containers, build images etc. xref: Great point. yes, you are right but. Since I could resolve the name of the server from Debian WSL2 with no issue, I knew my DNS was working there. My simple repo can have you up and running. For instance, you may want to create a script ~/bin/docker-service so that you can run docker-service only when you want, manually. Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? I've played around with setting DNS in the container explicitly using the /etc/docker/daemon.json with things like "dns": ["", ""], but if the container can't even get connectivity to these ips that's not going to work.. My Debian environment does not have any iptables configured. I mainly followed these instructions to install Ubuntu 20.04-LTS using WSL2 and prepare everything that dockerd is running inside this instance. Also please mark the answare as correct if it is working :). 2.) But yes, I used WSL2 enough that moved to a second PC with native Linux. Finally you can check with this command : If you see a # at the first position, the line is commented, run sudo visudo, find the corresponding line and remove the #, save and check again. But that never worked for me for some reason. If you are getting started with Windows Container development, one option is to install Docker Desktop. I had the same error, it seems it's because you are using WSL version 1. If not, first make sure that sudo is installed. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. You may never look back. Impress I'm having same issue, using Debian 11 on WSL2. In fact this is what Docker Desktop is doing, allowing all Windows native applications to use npipe docker context. Why do we place the docker socket in the \mnt\wsl folder? Or, alternatively, pull it directly from the GitHub package repository with: To start playing with it and see how Windows Containers are built. Previously with Docker Desktop we could run docker with -v %cd%/someFolder:/whatever or -v ./someFolder:/whatever, now we have to provide full path , like -v /mnt/c/full/local/path/to/someFolder:/whatever , which is user specific and will not run on team mate's computer Any thoughts how to overcome this ? Uninstall . Hence I could put "tcp://localhost:2375" in VsCode and the calls will be redirected to dockerd running in WSL2-Ubuntu. Those are a bit hidden and not easy to find. How can Docker Desktop mount Windows Volumes? I'm pretty sure using the nftable subsystem is eventually what is making things not work - if I could get iptables-legacy it might be different. sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf On the official Data Gateway documentation it says th. My concern was to continue to debug from Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Code directly in container. I'm very interested if you have a simpler way to proceed :). For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse. Make sure the Docker daemon is running, then launch a new Powershell window, and try the hello-world container again. If desired, you can configure it using Services to only start it manually. You can just download them, put them in your PATH, register the Docker Daemon as a service, start it and run your Windows containers like you're used to. For this please install the Windows Store Version of WSL and afterwards enable systemd in the distro settings and reboot the WSL distro.. Now re-enter WSL to have systemd available and install Docker normally like explained in the docs. I am a bit confused on how to solve this because Im very new to this, so I would appreciate any help. Constantly learning to develop software. Currently interested in TypeScript, Vue, Kotlin and Python. A couple of updates when running in Windows 11H2 (and Ubuntu 22.04 in my case): 1) systemd is now native in Windows 11H2, BUT needs an updated WSL2 install (I was using WSL v0.63 and I believe native systemd support is in v0.68 onwards) - otherwise you get, Upgrading WSL to latest version means that updating /etc/wsl.conf with. And I use WSL2 because Linux excels at CLI and daemons. , Practice yoga, write code, enjoy life, repeat. If you don't want to rely on a particular WSL shell script, you could implement a Powershell function to launch dockerd, such as this: This function takes one parameter: the distro name. With docker, it is possible to mount a host system's directory or files in the container. Restart WSL engine (restart Lxssmanager service on Windows host), Run WSL prompt as Admin (elevated) and there only run. Well, this is a game changer. I mean? For instance, name it docker.bat and place in C:\Windows\system32 or other location included in %PATH%. For instance, VSCode supports docker in WSL 2. (Reading database 36399 files and directories currently installed.) You should see docker when you run the command groups to list group memberships. $ dpkg -S /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Interesting What sort of errors are you seeing? ){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d:`. I was able to fix it with adding | head -n 1 at the end, so final command would look like: You need to escape the dot (.) sudo dockerd -H ifconfig eth0 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}. But if the above commands fail to access the package servers, it may be something unique to your network, or your firewall or anti-malware software. /usr/sbin/iptables-apply. [sudo] password for jai: I am stuck here trying to start dockerd from the Windows PowerShell (in admin mode): For good reason, Debian uses the more modern nftables, but this means that Docker cannot automatically tweak the Linux firewall. Since Docker announced a new subscription for Docker Desktop for personal use, educational institutions, non-commercial open-source projects and small businesses, other enterprises need to acquire licences for all installations of Docker Desktop. How do I get into a Docker container's shell? This doesn't just apply to the terminal, either. Watch discussions for Docker-related .NET announcements. And further emphasis on the optional nature of the /mnt/wsl/shared-docker socket directory. Trying to get started I have installed Rancher Desktop application on Windows 10 and set it to use docker as container runtime. I realize that your post indicated to use iptables: false as a way to get debian wsl2 instances to work with docker. I got this error when I tried to run "sudo dockerd -H ifconfig eth0 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}. You should see docker when you run the command groups to list group memberships. This article attempts to explore such a process and options along the way. My goal is to use the docker-cli in Windows (docker.exe), but using Linux containers, without the installation of Docker Desktop. On removing that, docker can use its default iptables impl and work with Debian Bullseye. Well, let's check. Here is what you can do to flag bowmanjd: bowmanjd consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's (Depending on your network configuration, you may instead need to access this through http://[WSL IP Address]:8080 which should be obtainable with ifconfig or ip addr). WARN[2021-11-06T15:39:10.291048100+05:30] Binding to an IP address without --tlsverify is deprecated. Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? I had in mind to make my existing toolchains still working (VSCode, Visual Studio). WARN[2021-11-06T15:39:10.292918800+05:30] You can override this by explicitly specifying '--tls=false' or '--tlsverify=false' host="tcp://" Finally, in a windows terminal, I can simply run a command like this: This article shows how we can use docker in windows and WSL2 without Docker Workstation Docker on Windows without Docker Desktop volume mounting,, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. WindowsDockerDev Container VS CodeRemote Development Windows. Microsoft is increasingly standardizing on its in-house CBL-Mariner Linux distribution. About. On Fedora, you will additionally need to passwd myusername and enter the password you want to use. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. We can continue to develop with containers without Docker Workstation. If you dont want to switch between Windows and WSL when running Windows or Linux containers, you can just expose the Docker Daemon in WSL2 and create a context for it. If this is not a fresh install, and you may have experimented with docker before, then first clear out any residual docker installs: Docker utilizes iptables to implement network isolation. Then add and update the repo information so that apt will use it in the future: Now we can install the official Docker Engine and client tools: The Docker daemon is a service that Docker requires to be running in the background. I would suggest trying to modifying your run command with those paths, so something like: Make sure you pay attention to the slashes: in WSL you need a foreward slash (/) whereas windows does not really care. docker context will likely be your friend. (Will report back with results..). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used. But let's continue magic ! It's easy, by default (at least for me) wsl has mounted all drives in /mnt// for example /mnt/c/ for C: Drive and /mnt/d/ for D: drive For peace of mind, you can double-check: something like sudo -k ls -a /root should still require a password, unless the password has been entered recently. Best possible hardware drivers by default. If not, you can obtain the user id with id -u myusername and check your list of WSL distros with (in Powershell) wsl -l. Then, use the following command in Powershell, but use your WSL distro name in place of "Alpine" and use your user id in place of "1000": Whichever method you use, test by logging out of WSL, and then log back in. Using apt install --reinstall iptables. host="tcp://" May I suggest 36257. Is it all internet connectivity, or just DNS? Chances are, you already know these. DEV Community 2016 - 2023. To do so, enter sudo visudo and add the following line (if your visudo uses vi or vim, then be sure to press "i" to begin editing, and hit ESC when done editing): Save and exit (":wq" if the editor is vi, or Ctrl-x if it is nano), and then you can test if sudo dockerd prompts for a password or not. If the /etc/docker directory does not exist yet, create it with sudo mkdir /etc/docker/ so it can contain the config file. What!??? This isn't the 90's anymore, it is really super easy to run linux on your local dev machine and every program you would want for dev that is worth running already runs on linux. dockeraccesshelper is an open source PowerShell module to allow non-privileged users to connect to the Docker Service. Start of the month i will write full article, for now this will have to do. I also tried the itzg/minecraft-server with the proper tags. For that you need to execute the following PowerShell commands as admin: Docker then greets you with Hello from Docker!. ):/usr/share/nginx/html:ro', Reading about what goes on under the hood, See more details about the Docker subscription model here, I have written about getting Podman to work on WSL 2, Microsoft's has step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade to WSL 2, utilizes iptables to implement network isolation, How to Upgrade from Fedora 32 to Fedora 33,, How to Upgrade to Fedora 37 In Place on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), A "POSIX Playground" Container for Shell Script Testing, Writing Bash Scripts that are not only Bash: Checking for Bashisms and testing with Dash, Instead of using an init system such as systemd to launch the Docker daemon, launch it by calling, If sharing the Docker daemon between WSL instances is desired, configure it to use a socket stored in the shared, If sharing and privileged access without sudo are desired, configure the, For simplicity, rather than launch a Windows-based Docker client, launch. I will definitely try that, and update the article. I have written about getting Podman to work on WSL 2. How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. Get the IP address given with the line API listen and In another WSL terminal, you can test the following command : docker -H run --rm hello-world. Trying to understand how to get this basic Fourier Series. It is all internet connectivity: I cannot ping but I can ping the docker host from a container. First, let's pick one. I run this stack using this. This is a very useful tool, to say the least. If your username is missing from the group, take note of the group name (sudo or wheel) and add the user in question to that group: Finally, as root, make sure that the admin group (whether sudo or wheel) is enabled for sudo: If the line is there, but commented out with a #, then run visudo then make sure the line reads thus (use wheel or sudo as determined earlier): Once these steps are complete, test again with: If you are prompted for the password, then all is well. If the result is a random hash string, then you are good. Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was Podman is daemonless (no background service needed), modern (cgroups v2 out of the box), supports rootless, and serves as a drop-in replacement for Docker. Paul Knulst 2K Followers Husband, father of two, geek, lifelong learner, tech lover & software engineer. If I run "nslookup " I get "DNS request timed out" - no response. error:failed to load listeners: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address With Docker Desktop's WSL 2 backend, Docker integrates with Windows in a fairly elegant way, and the docker client can be launched from either Powershell or Linux. A Linux dev machine is quite desirable. My understanding of the inner-workings of WSL is still rudimentary. It just doesn't set the default links in the install process to be able to switch to the legacy rules. Thanks for the article, I was able to successfully implement most of it. VS Code VS Code Remote Development; Docker Desktop for Windows; WSL2 If _nicolas_louis_ is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. To tell what version you are running, run winver in Powershell or CMD, or just type Win key and R (-r) to open the Run dialog and then enter winver. Looking forward to learning DevOps, though. And sometimes its also fun to have a bit more insight on whats going on behind the scenes. Hi Pawel, thank you for your feedback. Then, select the Images tab inside the Container extension under Container Host. With this newly-configured DNS resolver (in this case, pointing directly to Cloudflare's DNS server) you can try upgrading packages again. To see what group IDs are already assigned that are 1000 or above: Can't decide what number to use? So is there an alternative on Windows to continue to legally use containers with a docker command and a nice UI like VSCode without paying a licence : the answer is YES ! It requires a small proxy application to make it work though. I know I did before, I'm not sure what I left out - but the iptables-legacy isn't set-able now. I have based these instructions on those, with some tweaks learned from real world testing. Assuming you have Windows build 18980 or later: simply add a user section to /etc/wsl.conf. To run Linux containers on Windows there must be some kind of virtualization since containers use the kernel of the host operating system. I was a long time unqualified hacker/gamer/tinkerer before I realized I should be doing this for money and became full-time dev. I tried deleting pid file but i dont have permission for it i tried using sudo systemctl stop docker and then running it but error is still the same. If you are getting started with Windows Container development, one option is to install Docker Desktop. On installation the user gets a UAC prompt which allows a privileged helper service to be installed. In parallel, in a windows terminal opened in my distro, I can check with top or htop if dockerd processes are running. For Windows Home - Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (Instructions Here: ). Other editions have even higher limits. I suspect that most, however, will want to switch to iptables legacy. So I had to run wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2 (where my distribution was called "Ubuntu") and this converted the distro to WSL2. Even pull command comes up with error I recommend the following: The first line tells WSL to cease auto-configuring the /etc/resolv.conf file. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? Watch out for the networking bridge installed by Docker, it can conflict with other private networks using the same private IP range. WARN[2021-11-06T15:39:10.294801200+05:30] Support for listening on TCP without authentication or explicit intent to run without authentication will be removed in the next release host="tcp://" sudo apt remove docker docker-engine containerd runc, curl -fsSL${ID}/gpg | sudo apt-key add -, echo "deb [arch=amd64]${ID} ${VERSION_CODENAME} stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list Do you want to run a container? Contrary to what the length of this article might suggest, getting Docker working on WSL is fairly simple. Before proceeding, let's note that Docker Desktop is amazing. sudo dockerd. After installation has completed run from Windows wsl --shutdown Now let's ensure init.d and docker start run on boot (based on this guide) Windows 10 version is sourced on this guide Running Docker on WSL2 without Docker Desktop (the right way) - DEV Community Set Docker to start on boot with all that said: I do sincerely hope that anyone able and/or required to pay for a license actually does so it would be really sad for Docker to have come this far, having influenced so many aspects of "containerization", only to fade into the background because of "suddenly not being free to everybody". Sometimes, one just needs Docker to work. For example, Windows 11 Home can use up to 128 GB (gigabytes) of RAM, while Windows 11 Pro supports a maximum of 2 TB ( terabytes) of RAM. Try wsl wslpath from Powershell, or just wslpath from Linux, to see the options. Thankfully, there are official guides for installing Docker on various Linux distributions. To make it easy to use I have packaged it into a container, so it is easy to deploy with a single docker run. Hi, you can use the variable DOCKER_HOST to specify the way you want to connect to docked : unix://, tcp://, ssh://. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I agree it must be something in iptables too. NOTE: If you have any issue with the network, check the following location and edit its nameserver IP to You will most certainly need WSL 2 to run the Docker service. lack of proper bluetooth drivers (mSBC not supported, so headset sound was crap), Teams would not switch to headset mode automatically, nor detect when BT headset was connected after app was opened), no edit and continue on .net core (and no, I won't change the language we write at work), watching 4K videos on my 4K screen had tearing (and yes, watching videos on my break is a requirement). You can double check on any distro with: (If you are not root, you may need to su first). Here are the problems I had on Ubuntu (note that I really wanted to work on linux since our servers run on linux) : I will readily admit being a Linux newbie despite I installed Slackware with Linux 0.99pl15 for the first time from a stack of floppies early 1994. I'm currently trying to understand how docker can help me in my daily work. Run docker-compose up -d to bring all the containers up. Is this Microsoft Linux? Thanks so much for this @jonathan Bowman, was really helpful, don't forget to do another article on installing docker-compose on a WSL Distro without passing through Docker Desktop, might be minimal but it would be a decent supplement to this awesome article of yours. Then the following, when placed in /etc/docker/daemon.json, will set the docker host to the shared socket: Most Linux distributions use systemd or other init system, but WSL has its own init system. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. See more details about the Docker subscription model here. I'm flummoxed. Step-2: Enable Docker Running Environment 1. The Docker client just hides the fact that Linux containers are actually inside a vitual . Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, How are you mounting the directories? I make games in my free time. Hi Muttsuri, Yes I use Portainer to manage containers and stacks on server. ){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: I am trying to follow the above steps on Alpine and i am not able to figure out the equivalent for launching dockerd to get the ip address. Yes of course it's installed but not configured to access to WSL2, To do so, click on the icon (?) WARN[2021-11-06T15:39:08.509171500+05:30] Binding to IP address without --tlsverify is insecure and gives root access on this machine to everyone who has access to your network. Never miss out on developer content you need to maintain a healthy developer career. Something like this will work well if you do not already have that file, or a [user] section in it: However, if on a version of Windows before build 18980, then you will instead need to edit the registry to set a default user. By default, non-privileged Windows users cannot reach the Docker Service. If, however, you manually invoke dockerd in some way, then the following may be desirable in your .bashrc or .profile, if you opted for the shared docker socket directory: The above checks for the docker socket in /mnt/wsl/shared-docker/docker.sock and, if present, sets the $DOCKER_HOST environment variable accordingly. If so, read on. Jonathan, thank you for the incredibly detailed description of setting up Docker for use in WSL2 without Desktop. I suggest using the configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json to set dockerd launch parameters.

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