hammer act 1994

(Sec. Web1994,0408.410. at 145, 342 A.2d 875). 320932) Requires each assistant U.S. attorney to reside in, or within 25 miles of, the district for which he or she is appointed. We hope to make GovTrack more useful to policy professionals like you. Hammer of the Gods is a turn-based strategy game that recreates the world the way the Vikings experienced it. Subtitle V: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Correctional Institutions - Directs the Attorney General to: (1) develop and disseminate to appropriate entities (including State, Indian tribal, and local correctional institutions and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and followup care of tuberculosis among inmates of correctional institution and persons held in holding facilities operated by or under contract with INS; and (2) ensure that Federal prisons and holding facilities operated by or under contract with INS comply with such guidelines. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) the showing by the victim required to obtain such an order; (2) follow-up testing; (3) termination of testing requirements; and (4) confidentiality, disclosure of test results, and contempt for disclosure. 59:9-2(d) does not apply and plaintiff may present evidence relating to all of her alleged permanent injuries to the jury. Subtitle O: Urban Recreation and At-Risk Youth - Amends the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978 to include among the purposes of such Act to improve recreation facilities and expand recreation services in urban areas with a high incidence of crime, to help deter crime through the expansion of recreation opportunities for at-risk youth, to increase the security of urban parks, and to promote collaboration between local agencies involved in parks and recreation, law enforcement, youth social services, and the juvenile justice system. Based on U.S. EPAs proposed rule, a facility that has reduced its actual HAP emissions in order to comply with a MACT standard prior to vacatur could request a federally enforceable permit condition to become classified as a synthetic minor source of HAP. WebShown Here: Conference report filed in House (10/03/1984) (Conference report filed in House, H. Rept. 110508) Prohibits: (1) possession of explosives by felons and others; (2) transactions involving stolen firearms or ammunition which have moved in interstate or foreign commerce; and (3) the theft of firearms or explosives from a licensed dealer. Read More. 40504) Amends the Federal criminal code to provide for restitution for victims of sexual abuse offenses. Other parts of the Act provided for a greatly expanded federal death penalty, new classes of individuals banned from possessing firearms, and a variety of new crimes defined in statutes relating to immigration law, hate crimes, sex crimes, and gang-related crime. (Sec. GovTrack.us is not a government website. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. (Sec. We reverse. 90207) Authorizes the Director to appoint up to 75 and such additional officers and employees as necessary to carry out functions of the Office. Permits sentence reductions of up to a year for a prisoner's successful completion of a residential substance abuse treatment program in the case of a prisoner convicted of a nonviolent offense Sets forth reporting requirements. (Sec. 320909) Authorizes the venue for espionage and related offenses to be in the District of Columbia or in any other district authorized by law. Subtitle K: National Community Economic Partnership - National Community Economic Partnership Act of 1994 - Chapter 1: Community Economic Partnership Investment Funds - Establishes a program of community economic partnership investment funds. Sets forth eligibility requirements. 210305) Set forth proficiency testing and privacy protection requirements and penalties for violations. (Sec. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) mitigating and aggravating factors to be considered in determining whether a sentence of death is justified, including aggravating factors for a drug offense death penalty; (2) the conduct of a special hearing to make such determination; (3) procedures for the imposition, review, and implementation of such sentence; (4) use of State facilities to carry out such sentence; and (5) special provisions for Indian country. Subtitle E: Violence Against Women Act Improvements - Amends the Federal criminal code to provide for pretrial detention in sex offense cases. Authorizes appropriations. Without explaining the basis for his determination, he simply stated that the scar did not meet the threshold requirements of N.J.S.A. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) additional authorized grant projects (such as providing specialized training to officers to enhance their conflict resolution, mediation, and other skills and developing new technologies to assist State and local LEAs in reorienting the emphasis of their activities from reacting to crime to preventing crime); (2) preferential consideration of applications for certain grants; (3) technical assistance; (4) matching fund requirements; (5) application requirements (including providing a long-term strategy and detailed implementation plan and demonstrating a specific public safety need); (6) grant renewal; (7) limitation on the use of funds; (8) performance evaluation; (9) revocation or suspension of funding; and (10) access by the Attorney General and Comptroller General for audits and examinations. (Sec. 60016) Repeals a limitation on the fine for influencing or injuring a court officer, grand juror, or petit juror. (Sec. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) the relationship to other penalties; (2) enforcement procedures; and (3) use of penalty money collected. (Sec. 120003) Prohibits and sets penalties for: (1) counterfeiting U.S. currency abroad; and (2) providing material support to terrorists (and authorizes investigations under certain conditions), subject to specified requirements with respect to activities protected by the First Amendment. We hope to enable educators to build lesson plans centered around any bill or vote in Congress, even those as recent as yesterday. Title XXIII: Victims of Crime - Subtitle A: Victims of Crime - Directs that the proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure which are embraced by an order entered by the Supreme Court on April 29, 1994, take effect on December 1, 1994, with the following amendments. Chapter 3: Arrest Policies in Domestic Violence Cases - Amends the Omnibus Act to authorize the Attorney General to make grants to eligible States, Indian tribal governments, or local governments to: (1) implement mandatory arrest or proarrest programs and policies in police departments with respect to domestic violence and protection order violations; (2) develop policies and training in police departments to improve tracking of cases involving domestic violence; (3) centralize and coordinate police enforcement, prosecution, or judicial responsibility for domestic violence cases in groups or units of police officers, prosecutors, or judges; (4) coordinate computer tracking systems to ensure communication between police, prosecutors, and both criminal and family courts; (5) strengthen legal advocacy service programs for victims of domestic violence; and (6) educate judges in criminal and other courts about domestic violence to improve judicial handling of such cases. Following vacatur, questions were raised as to whether the section 112(j) requirements should apply to those sources that had been subject to the MACT prior to vacatur. Specifies that, in the case of a defendant for whom the statutorily required minimum sentence is five years, sentencing guidelines shall call for a range in which the lowest term of imprisonment is at least 24 months. (Sec. Directs the Attorney General to develop guidelines for the adoption of appropriate safeguards by care providers and by States for protecting children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities from abuse. Were looking to learn more about who uses GovTrack and what features you find helpful or think could be improved. Our mission is to empower every American with the tools to understand and impact Congress. (Sec. 320102) Increases the maximum penalties for voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. The vehicle hit plaintiff on the left side of her body, and she was thrown, landing on her right side. (Sec. The opinion of the court was delivered by. Authorizes appropriations. Authorizes approriations. Subtitle U: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners - Amends the Omnibus Act to authorize the Attorney General to make grants to States, for use by States and local government, for developing and implementing residential substance abuse treatment programs within State and local correctional facilities. 320104) Increases penalties for: (1) trafficking in counterfeit goods and services; (2) conspiracy to commit murder for hire; (3) arson; and (4) drug trafficking near public housing. Makes such suspension available to alien spouses and children who have been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty in the United States by a spouse or parent who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that the alien spouse or child has been physically present in the United States for a continuous period of not less than three years and proves that during all of such time the alien was and is a person of good moral character whose deportation would result in extreme hardship to the alien or the alien's parent or child. (Sec. 350-620. Following the 101 California Street shooting, the 1993 Waco Siege, and other high-profile instances of violent crime, the Act expanded federal law in several ways. Subtitle E: Gun Crime Penalties - Directs the Sentencing Commission to amend its sentencing guidelines to enhance the penalty for: (1) use of a semiautomatic firearm during a crime of violence or a drug trafficking crime; (2) a second offense of using an explosive to commit a Federal felony; (3) use of a firearm in the commission of counterfeiting or forgery; and (4) firearms possession by violent felons and serious drug offenders. Title XI: Firearms - Subtitle A: Assault Weapons - Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act - Amends the Federal criminal code to prohibit the manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) as defined or listed under this Act. Furthermore, despite Dr. Tillis's conclusion that plaintiff's tendinitis was post traumatic, he did not state whether the trauma that caused the tendinitis was the collision of October 27, 1994, nor did he explain why he believed the tendinitis resulted from some trauma. 39:6A-8a, a scar must be objectively significantly disfiguring. Puso, supra, 272 N.J.Super. Among the proposals were tax cuts, a permanent line-item veto, measures to reduce crime and provide middle-class tax relief, and constitutional amendments requiring term limits and a balanced budget. (Sec. Sets forth further provisions regarding training, participant evaluation, and stipends during training. Subtitle B: Assaults Against Children - Increases penalties for simple assault. Sets penalties for violations. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Requires any such device manufactured after the date of this Act's enactment to be identified by a serial number that clearly shows that the device was manufactured or imported after the effective date of this Act. Subtitle B: Safe Homes for Women - Safe Homes for Women Act of 1994 - Chapter 1: National Domestic Violence Hotline - Amends the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to authorize the Secretary of HHS to award a grant to a private, nonprofit entity to provide for the operation of a national, toll-free telephone hotline to provide information and assistance to victims of domestic violence. 140008) Directs the Sentencing Commission to promulgate guidelines, or amend existing guidelines, to provide that a defendant at least age 21 who has been convicted of an offense receive an appropriate sentence enhancement if the defendant involved a minor in the commission of the offense. Requires, provided certain conditions are met, that a protection order issued by the court of one State (or Indian tribe) be accorded full faith and credit by that of another State (or tribe). 90204) Requires the Director of: (1) National Drug Control Policy to examine addiction and rehabilitation research and the application of technology to expanding the effectiveness or availability of drug treatment; and (2) the Advanced Research Project Agency to render assistance and support to the Office and its Director. (Sec. By joining our advisory group, you can help us make GovTrack more useful and engaging to young voters like you. 31503) Sets priorities for selection of at-risk youth recreation grant recipients including programs targeted to youth who are at greatest risk of becoming involved in violence and crime and programs which show the greatest potential of being continued with non-Federal funds or which can serve as models for other communities. 20405) Amends the Federal criminal code to repeal the requirement that credit toward service of sentence for satisfactory behavior ("good time") be granted to a prisoner serving a term of imprisonment of more than one year for a crime of violence. (Sec. (Sec. lbf. Hammer dances against a (Sec. On January 5, 1995, Dr. D'Agostini examined plaintiff's right elbow and reported no swelling, no tenderness and a full and painless range of motion and good strength, concluding that from his perspective, nothing [was] wrong. In April 1996, Dr. Tillis diagnosed post-traumatic tendinitis in plaintiff's right shoulder and ankle. Specifies that communities identified for such projects shall be selected by the Treasury on the basis of gang-related activity in the particular community. WebUnder the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994, in deciding to recommend a sentence of death, the jury was required to pass through several stages. Permits a victim named in the order to enforce such order in the same manner as a judgment in a civil action. (Sec. We have carefully reviewed the record and the arguments of the parties and are persuaded that there is a total absence of objective medical evidence in the record of any permanent loss of bodily function resulting from the fractures or lacerations plaintiff sustained in the accident. 40156) Amends: (1) the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 to authorize appropriations, including for child abuse training programs for judicial personnel and practitioners; and (2) the Omnibus Act to authorize appropriations for grants for closed-circuit televising of testimony of children who are victims of abuse. (Sec. Mr Lawes, was looking for this hammer, which had been lost. 270003) Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) the purposes and responsibilities of the Commission; (2) administrative matters; (3) staff and support services; (4) powers; (5) reporting requirements; and (6) termination. 20408) Amends the National Literacy Act of 1991 to authorize the Secretary of Education to convene and consult with a panel of experts in correctional education to: (1) develop measures for evaluating the effectiveness of the literacy programs funded; and (2) evaluate the effectiveness of such programs. (Sec. The Hammer Falls Again as U.S. EPA Proposes Revisions to MACT Hammer Regulations. 110509) Authorizes the summary destruction of explosives subject to forfeiture by the seizing officer under specified circumstances. Directs each agency to comply with such request. Prohibits persons convicted of criminal felonies involving dishonesty or breach of trust from engaging in the insurance business without the written consent of an insurance regulatory official authorized to regulate the insurer. Directs each local entity that receives funds to develop or expand programs that are designed to improve academic and social development by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates the efforts of teachers, administrators, social workers, guidance counselors, parents, and school volunteers to provide concurrent social services for at-risk students at selected public schools in eligible communities. 110305) Requires: (1) each licensee to report to the Secretary and the appropriate local authorities the theft or loss of a firearm from the licensee's inventory or collection within 48 hours after the theft or loss is discovered; (2) each licensee to respond immediately to, and in no event later than 24 hours after, the receipt of a request by the Secretary for information contained in required records that may be required to determine the disposition of one or more firearms in the course of a bona fide criminal investigation; (3) the Secretary to implement a system whereby the licensee can positively identify and establish that an individual requesting information via telephone is employed and authorized by the agency to request such information; and (4) the Secretary to notify the chief law enforcement officer in the appropriate State and local jurisdictions of the names and addresses of all persons in the State to whom a firearms license is issued. Authorizes the victim of any such offense to obtain a U.S. district court order, after notice to the defendant and an opportunity to be heard, requiring that the defendant be tested for the presence of the etiologic agent for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). (Sec. at 420, 696 A.2d 625, provided the loss is substantial and the claimant has met the $1,000 medical expense requirement, see id. 40154) Directs the Attorney General to compile information regarding sex offender treatment programs and ensure that information regarding community treatment programs in the community into which a convicted sex offender is released is made available to each person serving a sentence of imprisonment in a Federal penal or correction institution for a commission of a sex offense, or of a similar offense, including halfway houses and psychiatric institutions. Directs the Attorney General to: (1) evaluate existing and proposed juvenile handgun legislation in each State; (2) develop model juvenile handgun legislation that is constitutional and enforceable; (3) disseminate to State authorities the findings of the evaluation; and (4) report to the Congress findings and recommendations concerning the need or appropriateness of further Federal action. 20407) Requires the Attorney General, in administering each grant program funded pursuant to this Act, to encourage: (1) innovative methods for the low-cost construction and operation of facilities and the reduction of administrative cost and overhead expenses; and (2) the use of surplus Federal property. (Sec. Others have argued that a vacatur is the legal equivalent to the rule never having existed in the first place, and therefore the section 112(j) case-by-case MACT requirements do apply. Authorizes appropriations. ), certif. Please join our advisory group to let us know what more we can do. (Sec. (Sec. 5.Plaintiff disputed this in her deposition on September 17, 1996. 4745 J. 90205) Revises provisions regarding deposits into the Special Forfeiture Fund and transfers from DOJ's Assets Forfeiture Fund and the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. We infer from the record that the motion judge reviewed the recent photographs of plaintiff's scars and considered the relevant legal principles we have discussed. Authorizes appropriations. Sets penalties for violations. Specifies that such a factor, if found to exist, shall weigh in favor of a transfer to adult status, but the absence of such factor shall not preclude such a transfer. In fact, her psychiatrist noted that she has returned to driving and also riding as a passenger in vehicles.5 Further, although plaintiff claims that she cannot engage in regular sexual relations with her husband, neither she nor her psychiatrist assert that her alleged sexual dysfunction is the result of her post-traumatic stress disorder. Sentencing Commission to implement such amendment by promulgating amendments, if appropriate, in sentencing guidelines applicable to criminal sexual abuse. Directs the Secretary to provide grants and loans to study ways to reduce violent crimes against women in public transit through better design or operation of public transit systems. 20409) Amends the Federal criminal code to prohibit a Federal court from holding prison or jail crowding unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment except to the extent that an individual plaintiff inmate proves that the crowding causes the infliction of cruel and unusual punishment of that inmate. Requires such officials and, when appropriate, the Secretary of State, in a case in which a traveler who is a victim is from a foreign nation, to assist the prosecuting and law enforcement officials of a State or political subdivision to the fullest extent possible in securing from abroad such evidence or other information as may be needed for the effective investigation and prosecution of the crime. 1.References to plaintiff in the singular refer to plaintiff Susan Hammer. (Sec. Authorizes appropriations. (Sec. Title XXV: Senior Citizens Against Marketing Scams - Senior Citizens Against Marketing Scams Act of 1994 - Amends the Federal criminal code to provide for enhanced penalties for telemarketing fraud that targets or victimizes persons over age 55. Dr. Robert J. Note that the hammer was registered as 1994,0408.400 in the original registration sequence. (Sec. (Sec. (Sec. Subtitle X: Gang Resistance Education and Training - Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to establish not less than 50 additional Gang Resistance Education and Training projects to be located in communities across the country. 98-1133) Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 - Amends the Solid Waste Disposal Act (as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976) to authorize appropriations for FY 1985 through 1988 for: (1) general Product Description. Title XXXI: Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund - Establishes as a separate account in the Treasury a Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund. (Sec. 523, 526, 610 A.2d 878 (App.Div.1992)) (observing that [i]n some respects the threshold issue in actions against public entities is similar to the verbal-threshold issue in no-fault cases.). 110103) Prohibits the transfer or possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device, with exceptions. 90106) Prohibits advertising which aims to illegally solicit or sell drugs. Subtitle B: National Narcotics Leadership Act Amendments - Amends the National Narcotics Leadership Act of 1988 to require the Director of National Drug Control Policy to request the head of a department or agency to include in its budget submission to the Office of Management and Budget funding requests for specific initiatives. If youve visited a bill page on GovTrack.us recently, you may have noticed a new study guide tab located just below the bill title. The proposed revisions to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart B would clarify that the 112(j) requirements do apply to listed major sources after a MACT standard has been vacated in its entirety. See Pico v. State, 116 N.J. 55, 59, 560 A.2d 1193 (1989); see also Brooks, supra, 150 N.J. at 402, 696 A.2d 619 (discussing the legislative history and intent of N.J.S.A. Subtitle B: Law Enforcement Family Support - Amends the Omnibus Act to: (1) require the Attorney General to establish and oversee the implementation of family-friendly policies in law enforcement divisions of DOJ, to identify model programs that provide support to law enforcement families, and to provide technical assistance for stress reduction and family support efforts by State and local LEAs; and (2) authorize the Attorney General to make grants to States and local LEAs and organizations representing State or local law enforcement personnel to provide family support services to law enforcement personnel. 320804) Permits injunctive relief to be sought by the head of a State agency with jurisdiction over fish or wildlife management, the Attorney General, or any person who is or would be adversely affected by the violation. (Sec. And combined in all-with all of them, the plaintiff is not within the statute according to Brooks[ v. Odom, 150 N.J. 395, 696 A.2d 619 (1997)]. 39:6A-8a (1972). 130010) Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) asylum is a process intended to protect aliens in the United States who cannot safely return home; (2) persons outside their country who have a well-founded fear of persecution if they return should apply for refugee status at one of our refugee processing offices abroad; and (3) the immigration, refugee, and asylum laws should be reformed to provide for a streamlined affirmative asylum processing system for asylum applicants who make their application after they have entered the United States. 40607) Directs the SJI to: (1) conduct training programs for State and Indian tribal judges to ensure that a judge issuing an order in a stalking or domestic violence case has all available criminal history and other information, whether from State or Federal sources; and (2) recommend proposals regarding how State courts may increase intrastate communication between civil and criminal courts.

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