The great American inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) appears to have belonged to R1b-S1200 > S14328 > SZ5489 > Y28597 > S10242 according to the Edison Y-DNA project (lineage 1). John Curtin (1885-1945), the 14th Prime Minister of Australia from 1941 to 1945, was identified as a member of haplogroup J2a4h2 (F3133+) by the Curtin Clan Y-DNA Project. According to the O'Brien DNA Project, most O'Brien members fall within the Dl gCais group belonging to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z253 > Z2534 > L226, with a most recent common ancestor living about 1500 years ago. Both of them are descended from Sir Anthony Jackson (1594-1666) from Yorkshire, England. Larmuseau et al. He invented among others the phonograph, the automatic telegraph, the movie camera, the alkaline battery and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. (2013) investigated the Y chromosomes of Sayyid Ajjal, the ancestor of many Muslims in areas all across China, through his modern descendants. One fourth of the Vlach people (isolated communities of Romance language speakers in the Balkans) belong to J2, considerably more than the average of Macedonia and northern Greece where they live. The 20th Dynasty of Egypt (1189-1077 BCE) started with Setnakhte and counted nine kings named Ramesses, from III to XI. Zhu Xi (1130-1200), the most influential Neo-Confucian scholar and philosopher in Chinese history, may have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup O2a1a, based on the test of one documented descendant. Actor Matt LeBlanc (b. He was elevated to the rank of prince in 1815, a title that his descendants would keep until the 20th century. (2010), who had analysed the DNA from a handkerchief dipped in the presumptive blood of Louis XVI after his execution, as well as by Charlier et al. the Buba clan of the Lemba tribe of South. The House of Clinton, descending from Sir John de Clinton, 1st Baron Clinton, and who later also included the Earls of Lincoln (from 1572 to present) and the Dukes of Newcastle-under-Lyne (from 1768 to 1988), all presumably belonged to I2a2a-M223 > L1193, based on the test of a direct descendant of Sir Henry Clinton (1730-1795). The Adams Surname Y-DNA Project compared the Y-DNA of 15 families that have an oral history of being related to the US Presidents John Adams (second president of the United States) and his son John Quincy Adams (6th president). Dodik was the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska from 1998 until 2001 and from 2006 until 2010 and the President of Republika Srpska from 2010 to 2018. (2015)). King has received Bram Stoker Awards, World Fantasy Awards, and British Fantasy Society Awards, among others. The Harvey Y-DNA Genetic Project managed to retrace the ancestry and identify the Y-chromosomal haplogroup of William Harvey (1578 -1657), the first person to describe completely and in detail the systemic circulation and properties of blood being pumped to the body by the heart. J2 is localized around the Mediterranean, Greece, Italy / Sardinia and Spain. American statesman and lawyer and Founding Father Roger Sherman (1721-1793) probably belonged to R1b-L21 > DF13 > FGC5494 based on the results from the Sherman DNA Project. William McKinley (1843-1901), the 25th president of the United States, probably belonged to haplogroup R1b-L21 > DF13 > L1335 > S764 based on the results from the MacKinlay DNA Project (descendant of James McKinley b. The testing of Thomas Jefferson's DNA revealed that the third US president belonged to haplogroup T. Descendants of his father, Colonel Peter Jefferson, tested on the Jefferson DNA Project and belonged to haplogroup T1a1a-L208 > CTS11451 > Y6671. The American actor, producer, writer, and director Tom Hanks (b. The remains of the great Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio (1571-1610) were excavated to confirm the circumstances of his mysterious death at the age of 38. tzi the Iceman, Europe's oldest natural human mummy, dating from 5,300 years ago, had his full genome sequenced (the oldest European genome ever tested) and was found to belong to haplogroup G2a-L91 (G2a2a2, formerly known as G2a4). The Dalcassians are a Gaelic Irish tribe who became powerful during the 10th and 11th centuries, when Brian Boru (941-1014) became High King of Ireland. The Confederate States Army general J. E. B. Stuart (1833-1864) descends from the Baronet of Castle Stuart and therefore belonged to the same lineage. Zidane was named the best European footballer of the past 50 years in the UEFA Golden Jubilee Poll. After that J2 could have propagated through Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean with the rise of early civilizations during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. STR markers are used to specify. The influential Randolph family of Virginia belongs to R1b-P312 > Z39300 (aka PH2278) based on the results from the Randolph/Randall/Randle/Randol Surname Group (Albemarle County group). (2014) tested the Y chromosomes of seven modern male individuals who claim belonging to Aisin Gioro family, and they concluded that the haplogroup of the Imperial House of Qing Dynasty was C3b2b1*-M401(xF5483). Kevin Bacon (b. Yehia Z Gad and his team at the Ancient DNA lab of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo retrieved the DNA of several members of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt (c. 15501295 BCE), which included Amenhotep I to III, Thutmose I to IV, Hatshepsut, Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. 1923 - pictured), who won two Academy Awards for Gandhi in 1983. More recently, however, it has been determined that the emergence of R-M222 predates Niall and may be more than 2,000 years old. The I2b-L415 & I2c-L596 Haplogroup Project was able to determine that the haplotype of the Georgian house of Tsitsishvili was I2c2b2. Four of the princes Lubomirski held the office of Grand Marshal of the Crown in the 17th and 18th centuries. [49], However, research published in 2016 analyzed DNA from a Borjigin burial site in Mongolia, and suggested that Genghis Khan may have belonged to the West Eurasian haplogroup R-M343 (R1b) instead of haplogroup C. The remains of the burials were described as having an East Asian appearance, which the authors attributed to their East Eurasian mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. John Stamos (b. There is controversy regarding Tutankhamun's Y-DNA profile. For his work, he received a National Medal of Arts from President Barack Obama in 2013. The DNA of King Bla III of Hungary (c. 1148-1196) was tested by Olasz et al. Tony Kushner (b. Ronny Decorte, a geneticist from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, tested relatives of Adolf Hitler and determined that the Frher belonged to haplogroup E1b1b. This subclade is the most common Scottish variety of R1a. [37] A followup publication precisely identified the haplogroup more precisely as a subgroup of O-M175, designated O1b1-F1462(xPK4). Knack magazine", "Phylogeographic Analysis of Haplogroup E3b (E-M215) Y Chromosomes Reveals Multiple Migratory Events Within and Out Of Africa", "Family Tree DNA questions reporting about Hitler's origins", "Comparing yourself to the Jefferson DNA", "Genetic genealogy reveals true Y haplogroup of House of Bourbon contradicting recent identification of the presumed remains of two French Kings", "John Doe Premium Combo DNA Ancestry Report", "Haplogroup of the Y Chromosome of Napolon the First", "A Y-Chromosome Signature of Hegemony in Gaelic Ireland", "Recent Spread of a Y-Chromosomal Lineage in Northern China and Mongolia", "Asian Ancestry based on Studies of Y-DNA Variation: Part 3. He has received the AFI Life Achievement Award in 1999, and the Kennedy Center Honors Award in 2012. However they are almost absent from Crete (where J2a1 lineages are dominant). Mathieson et al. Stephen Langton (c.1150-1228) (subclade J2a1-M319): was Archbishop of Canterbury and author of the Magna Carta.His haplogroup was identified by David Langton, admin of the J-M319 DNA project. Results from the Wilson DNA Project helped determine that the American statesmen, politician, legal scholar, and Founding Father James Wilson (1742-1798) most probably belonged to haplogroup I1. He descended from Richard Harding (1583-1657) from Denbury, Devon, England and his son Stephen (1623-1698) who migrated to Braintree, Massachussets and died in Rhode Island. [60], Analysis of two beard hairs revealed that Napoleon Bonaparte belonged to Y haplogroup E1b1b1c1* (E-M34*).[61]. A six-time Grammy Award winner and three-time Academy Award winner, he is known for his popular hit songs and compositions from the late 1950s through the 1980s. The Rothschild family, who established an international banking business, acquired the largest fortune in modern world history and established a true dynasty in the 19th century, apparently belonged to haplogroup J2a1-L210 (a subclade of M67) based on the results from the Rothschild DNA Project and of the J2-M172 Haplogroup Research. The Irish King Brian Boru, founder of the O'Brien Dynasty is associated with the Dalcassian haplogroup R1B-L226. Mikls Horthy (1868-1957), was Regent of of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1920 to 1944. 1922), the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981, appears to belong to haplogroup I1 according to the testing of a close relative as indicated on Haplogroup J2. The Ottoman Sultans certainly did command a pretty large and powerful Empire. Bush (1924-2018), the 41st president of the United States, and his son George W. Bush (b. Based on the numerous results from the Gentis Grimaldorum DNA Project, the original House of Grimaldi, which inlcuded the Lords then Princes of Monaco until Louis II of Monaco (1870-1949), belonged to a Scandinavian branch of haplogroup I1-L22 > Y3549 > P109 > Y3662 > S14887. Z435 was formed about 3,600 years ago and has a TMRCA of only 3,100 years ( 300 years). The Minamoto are the patrilineal ancestors of numerous samurai clans, including the Akamatsu, Akechi, Amago, Arima, Ashikaga (shguns), Hatakeyama, Hosokawa, Ikeda, Imagawa, Kitabatake, Kuroda, Matsudaira, Miyake, Miyoshi, Mogami, Mori, Nanbu, Nitta, Ogasawara, ta, Rokkaku, Sakai, Sasaki, Satake, Satomi, Shiba, Shimazu, Takeda, Toki, Tokugawa (shguns), Tsuchiya and Yamana. The most prominent members were King Robert II of Scotland, Kings James I, Charles I, Charles II and James II of England & Ireland. Bacon has won a Golden Globe Award and three Screen Actors Guild Awards, and was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. Formula One champion Jackie Stuart (b. Oxen were used to draw wheeled carts and camels were domesticated in this region c. 2500 BCE, just before the start of this civilization. The analysis of his descendants's Y-chromosomal DNA confirmed that Joseph Smith (1805-1844), the founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement, belonged to haplogroup R1b-M222 (R1b-L21 > DF13 > DF49 > Z2980 > Z2976 > DF23 > Z2961 > S645 > Z2965 > M222). The Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature, probably belonged to R1a-Z92 > YP617 > YP682 according to the testing of a distant cousin descending from Gregory "Pushka" Alexandrovich Morhinin, founder of the Pushkin family (reported on the Serbian genealogy website They managed to identify his maternal haplogroup as J2. Last update February 2023. Bogdanowicza et al. As such he must have belonged to R1b-U106 > Z381 > Z301 > L48 > L47 > Z159 > FGC15335 according to the Hemingway Y-DNA Project. It was also found in an Egyptian mummy (c. 660 BCE, Schuenemann et al. He was the founder of the O'Brien dynasty, who were at various times in history Kings of Munster, Kings of Thomond (1118-1543), Earls of Thomond (1543-1726), Marquesses of Thomond (1726-1855), and Barons Inchiquin -1543-present), among others. The oldest J2b2-L283 sample recovered among ancient DNA samples is a Late Bronze Age (1700-1500 BCE) individual from southern Croatia (Mathieson et al. 2018, J2-M172@FTDNA Project Administration Changes Announcement, J2a-Z6048: refinement in the no-Caucasus J2a* clade, Refinement for J2b2a-M241 (including L283,Z622,Z2447,Z2444), J2a1-PF7413(xPF7415): refinement and new subclade Z40257, Z40258, J2a1-S15439,L198: M419 NGS available and new subclade Z40067,Z40068. Another branch became the Earls of Loudoun (1633-1786). Prof. Kozowski announced that the prince belonged to haplogroup R1b, and therefore probably also other members of that royal lineage, including all the Dukes of Masovia (1138-1526), as long as no non-paternity event took place. He and the Minamonto (aka Genji) clan presumably belonged to the same haplogroup D-Z1504 as the Imperial family, from whom they descend. Both J2b1 and J2b2-L283 are also found at high frequency in Greece and in regions that used to be part of the ancient Greek world (Ionia, Magna Graecia). The Arab DNA forums and DNA Project admins reported that two test results of members of the Jordanian royal family (private kits) are positive for L859 mutation under haplogroup J1. [43], Fath-Ali Shah Qajar (17721834), the second emperor and shah of the Qajar dynasty of Iran belonged to Haplogroup J-M267 with DYS388 = 13 as deduced from testing of descendants of several of his sons. The Swedish actor Max von Sydow, who played in eleven films by Ingmar Bergman and many Hollywood movies and series, including more recently Game of Thrones, was identified as a member of haplogroup R1a-Z280 (Pomeranian P269 subclade) through the the test of a 2nd paternal cousin at FTDNA. 1966) belongs to haplogroup J2a1-Z30390 (downstream of M67 and L210). Danson has been nominated for 17 Primetime Emmy Awards, winning two; ten Golden Globe Awards nominations, winning three; one Screen Actors Guild Award; and one American Comedy Award and has been awarded a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. 1956), an American professional basketball executive, former coach and former player for the Boston Celtics, is thought to belong to haplogroup G-Z6748 (downstream of Z1816 and Y8903) based on the testing of several relatives descending from Thomas Bird at the Haplogroup G-L497 Y-DNA Project. American writer and Nobel Prize laureate William Faulkner (1897-1962) was a member of haplogroup I1-Z60 > Z140 > Z141 according to results from the Faulconer DNA Project. a) Evidence to be in haplogroup J2: M172+ or positive for a certified downstream SNP or GD<7% to a certified haplotype of the person or a certified relative in the paternal surname lineage. The Erskines have held the title of Earl of Mar since 1404, of Earl of Kellie since 1619, and of Earl of Buchan since 1640. The drawback of this hypothesis is that it doesn't explain why R1b lineages strongly outnumber J2b2 in Europe but not in South Asia. 1926), an English broadcaster and naturalist at the BBC explained in the Tree of Life how the Attenboroughs belonged to haplogroup E1b1b1. His son, another Richard Stockton (1764-1828) was a senator for New Jersey, and his grandson, Robert F. Stockton (1795-1866) was a United States Navy commodore, notable in the capture of California during the MexicanAmerican War. 1966) belongs to haplogroup J2a1-Z30390 (downstream of M67 and L210). The test result supports genealogical information recorded in about 1610 by Johannes Bureus. From then on, J2 men would have definitely have represented a sizeable portion of the population of Bronze and Iron Age civilizations such as the Hurrians, the Assyrians or the Hittites. [citation needed] Dr. Moore's results examined some different parts of DNA (loci) from the result given here. His maternal haplogroup is H.[5], A lock of hair kept at a reliquary at Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume basilica, France, which local tradition holds belonged to the biblical figure Mary Magdalene, was allegedly assigned to mitochondrial haplogroup K. Ancient DNA sequencing of a capillary bulb bore the K1a1b1a subclade according to the author Grard Lucotte, who concluded that she was likely of Pharisian maternal origin. He was accompanied by a woman with similar admixtures, and both possessed typical Pontic-Caspian Steppe mtDNA (I1a1 and W3a). Wilson was elected twice to the Continental Congress, was a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence, and was a major force in drafting the United States Constitution. The Clan Graham DNA Project identified the ancestral Graham lineage as belonging to J1a-P58 > [] > YSC234 > L858 > YSC76 > Y3442 > FGC8223 > BY65 > ZS1541 > L1253 (aka Z18183), a clade that formed about 800 years ago.
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