it has a 2.8 to 3.9-inch wingspan and is the state butterfly of Florida. Southern Flannel Caterpillar (Megalopyge opercularis). Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillar (Battus philenor). 2011. Orgyia sp. A buck moth caterpillar is easy to identify by its black color, masses of white tiny spots, and jaggy appearance. Health and safety-wise, moths pose no harm or threat to humans - they are neither poisonous nor dangerous. Two long black tufts of pencil-like hairs protrude from the front. The genus name Orgyia (Greek for the length of the outstretched arms [Borror 1960]), is based on this pose. Also, they are commonly spun in dense masses among the foliage of epiphytic bromeliads (Tillandsia spp.). Orgyia definita: Entire eastern U.S. Common hosts in other parts of its range include oak, maple, hackberry, birch, and willow (Wagner 2005). Adult moths tend to leave behind feces, eggs, and cocoons that remain after the caterpillar hatches. When touched, the poisonous spines break off in the skin and cause severe pain. Florida Museum of Natural History photo by Andrei Sourakov. Caterpillars and Moths. Completed cocoon of fir tussock moth (Orgyia detrita). 410 pp. However, not all furry caterpillars are poisonous. The furry puss caterpillar, the larval stage of the southern flannel moth, is one of the most poisonous caterpillars in the US. Names from Arnaud (1978) have been updated by OHara and Wood (2004) and OHara (2012). White Flannel Moth Caterpillar (Norape ovina) The mature white flannel moth caterpillar can reach 1-1/4 inch in length. The sub-dorsal areas (sides) can be a dark gray as in Figures 1 and 2, or they can be light gray to light yellow as in Figure 3. EPI-NOTES Disease Surveillance Newsletter. Fox News reports that the larvae of the Southern flannel moth, also commonly known as "asps," have been spotted in Florida, and experts are urging residents to stay far away from the furry white insects which like to hang out on oak and citrus trees. The white admiral caterpillar is a Florida caterpillar that looks like bird poop. Definite tussock moth (Orgyia definita) caterpillar (front view). Most calls to poison centers about insect and spider bites do not need emergency medical treatment and can be safely managed at home; exceptions include cases . The unusual milkweed tiger caterpillar is identified by clumps of orange, white, and light brown hairs covering its body. These hairs can be as long as 1 inch. Detrita also lacks the whitish tornal spot of leucostigma and definita (Ferguson 1978). Youll find tobacco hornworms feeding on tomato plants and other nightshade crops. The queen butterfly caterpillar is a black and white striped caterpillar with yellow dots on its back and sides. Health officials said the Orgyia leucostigma is also known as the white-marked tussock moth. Common Bagworm Moth ( Psyche casta) Common bagworm moths are nocturnal and have a wingspan of 12 to 15 millimeters. Heppner (2003) listed plants belonging to 116 genera that have been reported as hosts. Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. Southern flannel caterpillars grow up to 1 (2.5 cm) long. As the jaggy-looking caterpillar develops, it gradually becomes grayish-brown with dark red or brown dots along its sides. It'll also put you in a world of pain. The protruding spikes on the zebra longwing caterpillar make it easy to identify. You can identify luna moth caterpillars feeding on walnut, hickory, birch, and alder trees. The caterpillars, known as browntail moths, are about 1.5 inches long and have white dashes down their sides and two red dots on their backs. The pain immediately and rapidly gets worse after being stung, and can even make your bones hurt," University of Florida entomologist Don Hall told National Geographic. The southern flannel caterpillar (or puss caterpillar) is a type of hairy caterpillar that causes a nasty sting if you handle it. Also, caterpillars in Florida can be green, yellow, black, or multi-colored. Identify a tobacco hornworm by its fat green body with whitish diagonal stripes and tiny eye-like markings on its sides. Queen Butterfly Caterpillar (Danaus gilippus). Their stings are "considered among the most agonizing of afflictions," according to . It is one of those moths that have been found in every continent except Antarctica. The dorsal glandular structures on segments six and seven of leucostigma are bright red, those of detrita are orange, and those of definita are pale yellow. Mayfield Publishing Company. Female whitemarked tussock moth (Orgyia leucostigma) on egg mass. The giant leopard caterpillar is a black spiny caterpillar that is common in the south-eastern United States. Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. The milkweed tiger caterpillar is covered in tufts of colorful black, orange, yellow, and white hairs. Identify the long-tailed skipper caterpillar by its black ball-like head, yellow markings on its body in the form of lines and dots, and orange prolegs. A characteristic feature of the cloudless sulphur caterpillar is that its color changes depending on its food. By the second instar, the larvae are already recognizable because of their short hair pencils. Intense throbbing pain develops within five minutes of contact with pain extending up the affected arm. Io moth caterpillars grow up to 2.3 (6 cm) in length. Unfortunately, because of their green coloring, tomato hornworms can be difficult to spot under tomato leaves. Spiny Oak-Slug Caterpillar Euclea delphinii. Orgyia leucostigma, is the most common of the tussock moths in Florida. Severity can vary for each individual. Tussock moths in the genus Orgyia are small moths that are best-known because of their attractive larvae. Despite its ugly appearance, the brown and white caterpillar turns into a spectacular butterfly with iridescent blue and orange colors. Only the three species that are found in Florida will be discussed here. This appears when the caterpillar is threatened, and it looks like a forked snakes tongue. These make the zebra longwing poisonous and foul-tasting to predators. The American dagger caterpillar is a hairy pale yellow caterpillar with long black pencil hairs. Orgyia leucostigma: Entire eastern U.S. and west to Minnesota and Texas (Ferguson 1978, Orgyia leucostigma entry at North American Moth Photographers Group web site). These caterpillars can be perceived as dangerous and poisonous given their color. Additionally spines contain a toxin that can cause rashes of round, red, swelling welts that itch, and even tissue damage. For a detailed taxonomic history and synonyms, see Ferguson (1978). Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. Hossler EW. (Z,Z)-6,9-heneicosadien-11-one, labile sex pheromone of the whitemarked tussock moth. . Among Floridas exotic and strange-looking caterpillars are fuzzy, striped, and unusual-looking horned caterpillars. The red admiral is a spiky black caterpillar that has identifiable fleshy spines and white tiny dots. The moth is covered in lengthy fuzznot venomous spineswith colors ranging from a dull orange to a bright, lemon yellow, but its fuzzy feet are always black. Pipevine swallowtail caterpillars grow 2 (5 cm) long. You can find red admiral caterpillars feeding on stinging nettle leaves. The identifying feature of this tussock caterpillar is tufts of spiny hairs covering its body. Much of the older literature places the tussock moths in the family Liparidae and more recently in the Lymantriidae. There are also blue circular patterns on its segments. Gainesville, Florida. Cruse K, Atrubin D, Loyless T. 2007. Figure 5. Photograph by Lyle J. Buss, University of Florida. You can spot this caterpillar feeding on milkweed and dogbane plants. Feeds on oak, willow and other deciduous plants. Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. The green and black stripes and orange markings make the voracious larvae easy to spot on azaleas, rhododendrons, and apple trees. Besides the annoying presence of numerous hairy caterpillars, many larvae spin their difficult-to-remove cocoons on outdoor furniture, stored boats, and the walls and soffits of our houses. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 12(1): 140. The six horn-like structures are black with red coloring at the base. However, the females are grub-like with legs, but no wings, and they are light brown or yellow. Additionally, you often find it feeding on hickory leaves in Florida. It has numerous common names, including southern flannel moth for its adult form, and puss caterpillar, asp, Italian asp, Fire caterpillar, woolly slug, opossum bug, [3] puss moth, tree asp, or asp caterpillar . Welts resulting from contact with Orgyia hairs usually appear within minutes and subside by the next day, but itching and erythema commonly continue for another day or two. 2003. At rest, they hold their first pair of legs in an outstretched position. The skin can become red and swollen, and the symptoms can last between one and seven days. The antennae of male pupae are longer and broader than those of females and the wings of male pupae are longer than those of female pupae. TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) It might look soft and hairy, but experts warn to look, not touch. You will also notice two characteristic black long horns at the head end and two shorter horn-like tails. Home owners develop dermatitis from contact with the cocoons while removing them from the soffits of houses. WATCH: Grumpy's Field Guide To Dangerous Spiders. Browntail moths are most common along Maine's coast . Non-venomous caterpillars that cause skin irritation. The beautiful caterpillar has colorful bands wrapping around each segment. Tachinid puparium from Orgyia sp. Tobacco hornworms have a diagonal line, not the characteristic V-shape of the tomato hornworm. Monkey slug caterpillars have stinging hairs that can cause a painful sting if you handle it. Figure 30. The puss or asp caterpillar of the southern flannel moth is recognized as one of the most venomous species found in the U.S. and its sting . Associated Publishers. Orgyia sp. Observations on the poisonous nature of the white-marked tussock-moth (. A Richmond, Virginia, resident described. Figure 8. Parasitoids of Orgyia detrita and Orgyia definita have not been well-studied, but those of Orgyia leucostigma are well documented. Further Reading: Moth Life Cycle. Medical attention may be necessary for more severe reactions. Figure 22. At first I thought they looked like Atala caterpillars, but as we both know, we are too far north and on the wrong coast. Its instantly recognizable feature is the large eye markings on its head. The wings of female pupae reach only slightly beyond the anterior margin of the fourth abdominal segment while those of male pupae extend nearly to the posterior margin of the segment (Mosher 1916). Figure 15. 134 pp. The oblong appearance and fuzzy spines make it difficult to identify the head end from its tail end. Figure 20. 611 pp. Division of Plant Industry. Dermatologic manifestations of encounters with Lepidoptera. Poisonous glands attached to stinging spines can cause skin irritation if you handle this fuzzy caterpillar. Compared to other caterpillars, white admiral larvae have thick, spiny horns at their head. When touched, these poisonous spines break off in the skin and cause severe pain. The stinging spines are hollow, easily break off, and can embed deeply into skin. Be prepared to tell them which plant and which part of the plant was eaten, how much was consumed and whether there are any immediate symptoms. 2003. The multi-branched spines contain toxins that can sting if they break off in the skin. A Host-Parasite Catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera), Caterpillar-associated rashes in children. Cabbage looper caterpillars have a voracious appetite and can devour three times their body weight in a day. Each of the body segments features black tubercles that look like small round dots. cocoons among foliage of ballmoss (Tillandsia recurvata). Male whitemarked tussock moth (Orgyia leucostigma). Medina RF, Barbosa P. 2002. Zebra Longwing Caterpillar (Heliconius charithonia). The medical importance of Orgyia species caterpillars is well-documented in the scientific (Diaz 2005, Gilmer 1925, Goldman et al. Gulf Fritillary Caterpillar (Dionevanillae). The bella moth was eating the plant's poisonous seeds, which help it produce chemical defenses that make the moths and their eggs unpalatable to would-be predators. Early cocoon of fir tussock moth (Orgyia detrita) before many setae are incorporated. 1960, Knight 1922) and clinical dermatology (Hossler 2009 & 2010 ) literature. Taming an invasive plant that's 8 feet tall and poisonous is no small feat, especially if you're a tiny moth. Four poisonous species of caterpillars have been found in South Florida: the saddleback, puss, io and the hag. Mature tussock moth (Orgyia sp.) Most common in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states (Ferguson 1978, Orgyia definita entry at North American Moth Photographers Group web site). Others, like that of the Black Widow, cause vomiting and diarrhea, paralysis, drunken gait, and muscle tremors. Contact with the cocoons produces the same symptoms. The zebra longwing caterpillar is a pale gray crawling insect with long black fleshy spikes often found in the southern United States. To identify the cloudless sulphur caterpillar, look for a green body with bluish-black dots, light yellowish short spines, and a yellow lateral band along its sides. Moths are incapable of biting, especially when adults, making them even less of a harm to humans. + Figures. You will also notice a red and white stripe along each side. The orange gulf fritillary caterpillar also has grayish-black stripes running longitudinally along its back. Other symptoms may include headaches, nausea, vomiting, intense abdominal distress,. It is found in great abundance particularly in Florida, United States where it thrives in tropical habitats. In the event of a possible plant poisoning, call your physician, veterinarian or Florida Poison Control (1-800-222-1222). Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar (Citheronia regalis). The American dagger moth caterpillar is covered in yellow feathery spines with two pairs of long black spines on its back and a single black tuft of pencil-like hairs at its rear. Under the fuzzy yellow hairs is a shiny black oval head. I have quite a few caterpillars on my coontie plants. Figure 9. Hickory horned devil caterpillars can grow up to 5.5 (14 cm) long. 2012, Atrubin & Granger 2006, Cruse et al. Detrita and definita females cover their eggs with a secretion and then rub setae from their bodies onto the secretion to form a protective layer over the eggs. north of Mexico (OHara 2012). Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. Cecropia moth caterpillar grows around 4.5 (10 cm) long. has been confirmed as a host in Florida, but other host plants are also likely (Heppner 2003). The luna moth caterpillar grows to 3.5 (9 cm) in length. Atrubin D, Wansbrough L, Cruse K, Stanek D, Blackmore C. 2012. Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. According to National Geographic, its venom is 15 times more potent than that of a rattlesnakethough, contrary to common myths, few people ever perish at the hands of the small spider. There are also stinging hairs on its four sets of prolegs. Redhumped Caterpillar (Schizura concinna). The gulf fritillary caterpillar is an orange caterpillar with spiny spikes around each segment. The sides of Orgyia leucostigma are light in color, similar to the light form of detrita. An Io moth caterpillar has an identifiable green body, tufts of urticating spines, and a colorful red and white stripe running the length of its body just above its legs. Stings from these caterpillars can cause intense burning, inflammation, and red blanching. In Florida, youll find this small, slender black and orange caterpillar munching through Passiflora plant foliage. Newly-hatched larvae of the fir tussock moth (Orgyia detrita). He has suggested that levels of parasitism of pupae often approach 50 per cent (Foltz 2004, 2006). In Florida, you can see these striped caterpillars on fruit trees, cottonwood, walnut, and willow trees. Caterpillars of this species feed on plants in the madder family, including pentas. The luna moth caterpillar is a light green crawling insect with a plump body, red dots, and tufts of small spines. From its back this caterpillar has a tail that extends beyond its body. . Some less common ones also occur in the state. At the Florida Poison Information Center Miami, where every kind of chemical, insect and reptile assault on human flesh has been encountered, 227 caterpillar calls were logged from South. It is also called the hairy caterpillar. Banded Woolly Bear Caterpillar (Pyrrharctia isabella). (There are two other species of Orgyia moths in Florida, which look similar to O. leucostigma with the marshmallow looking tufts along the dorsal side.) Host plants include oak and willow species. You can find the furry puss caterpillars in most southern states, including Florida. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Though the adult moths do not sting, if they are seen in an area, it is safe and best to assume that the more dangerous larvae are nearby or will soon be born. It is the most poisonous one in Florida. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 62(1): 13-28. White Admiral Caterpillar (Limenitis arthemis). This caterpillar has a characteristic trait of rolling up to defend itself. 2 Red Widow Spiders Premaphotos / Alamy Stock Photo (Inset: photomicrograph of antrose [distally projecting] barbs on urticating setae of the tussocks). Wagner DL. Pupae appear hairy and have patches of dorsal spatulate setae (vesicles of Mosher 1916) on abdominal segments 1-3. On top of their irritating hairs, many stinging caterpillars also release a toxin on contact with the spines, which can add to the pain and may even be a health concern for some people. Caterpillars and Moths. Most bugs and spiders native to Florida are not dangerous to people. Fabric with image of Orgyia detrita male. Their fluffy "fur" actually hides small, sharp, spines that stick in your skin. Their fluffy "fur" actually hides small, sharp, spines that stick in your skin. Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar (Papilio glaucus). Spiny oak-slug caterpillars have a range of colors but can generally be identified by their oval, stout bodies, and their abundance of spiny protrusions. This caterpillar is one of the largest moth larvae, and it turns into one of the biggest moths in the USthe regal moth. Volume 17 of Arthropods of Florida and Neighboring Land Areas. Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. The identifiable features of the black swallowtail are its green body with black, yellow-dotted bands around each of its segments. The pine sawfly caterpillar is identified by its pale green body and black markings in rows along its sides and back. Fir tussock moth (Orgyia detrita) caterpillar (dorsal view). 8. The unusual caterpillar has a light green and brown body with white blotches. Youll also notice feathery spines on this striped Florida caterpillar. Its common name, "the Asp," is a reflection of the painful intensity of the stingthis is a caterpillar with the painful "bite" of a hornet. In addition, there are four tufts of white or yellow hairs on its back and two red dots at its rear end. Also, large numbers of larvae blown onto small landscape trees may result in severe defoliation. (1960) studied the histopathology of a sensitive person and reported perivascular concentrations of eosinophils and leucocytes beneath the irritated areas. Photograph by Donald W. Hall, University of Florida. Orgyia leucostigma: Polyphagous. Identify a white-marked tussock caterpillar by a black body with black and white hairy spines, yellow bands along its back, and a bright cluster of red hairs at its head. In the year 2000, only 70 of 730 (9.6%) cocoons he examined had egg masses suggesting a high rate of mortality. The Asp: A Caterpillar That's Dangerous for Pets. The black circles surrounded by a yellow ring and white pattern create false eyespots with a reflection. The puss caterpillar is one of the "most venomous caterpillars in the U.S.," and it's making its seasonal return to at least one unlucky Southern state. Most types of moths are only poisonous if they're consumed.. For example, many caterpillars only feed on specific types of shrubs, plants, or trees. The dark form is more common, its black with tiny white dots while the light form is white with a reddish head. Io moth caterpillars feed on a variety of host plants including hibiscus, elms, maples, wisteria, roses, azaleas, and willows. The pipevine swallowtail caterpillar is a dark-brown, almost black caterpillar with fleshy horns at its head, tail, and sides. This is a defensive characteristic of some caterpillars to scare off predators. Spines have a toxin gland at the base that is released when spines break off into the skin. A banded woolly bear caterpillar is easy to identify due to the two black bands at its head and tail ends and a brown band around its middle. The identifiable feature of the tiger swallowtail is its strange eye-like markings on either side of its head.
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