Additionally, another report, Average Strength Data Report, Reports Control Symbol (RCS) AF-P185 was also required. the Muster Rolls of the Marine Corps. For each Marine, the muster roll also gives the date of enlistment or reenlistment and there may also be notes in the comments column. Doesn't analytically integrate sensibly let alone correctly. Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, Record Group 127. and 1798-1953 (4,172 rolls of microfilm; see note under Related Records below). Muster Rolls, Rosters, Morning Reports, and Personnel Diaries, For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at Washington, DC - Textual Reference (RDT1) at, Revolutionary War Rolls (documents 1775 - 1783), in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records (Record Group 93), indexed by the, Muster Rolls of Regular Army Organizations, 1784 - 10/31/1912, in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94), Muster Rolls of Volunteer Organizations During the War with Northwest Indians, 1790 - 1795. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94) - This series contains muster rolls for volunteer organizations which had service in the Indian War on the Northwestern frontier commonly called "Wayne's War," including rolls for organizations from Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Territory South of the Ohio, together with those of the United States Levies, Rangers, and Scouts and Spies. Copies of the muster rolls are available at (1). Contemporary Writing. Muster Rolls of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1798-1892. DHS is "District Headquarters Station (Recruiting)". A SIDPERS contains information on the service member during the entire period of time assigned to an organization, regardless of length of time. For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RDT2) via email at Modern Military Records Branch (703) 784-3923 or (703) 432-0513, (Attn: MMRP-11 in the subject line). This database contains an index to U.S. Marine Corps muster rolls from 1798-1958. U.S., Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958, Provided in association with National Archives and Records Administration. Shown on the form are the date and place of enlistment of each individual, by whom enrolled and for what period of time, date of muster into service, and date of last payment. Casualty Section, Office of Public Information, Navy Department. The muster rolls from T1118, 1798 -1892 have been indexed. The Marine Corps muster rolls are on microfilm. The muster rolls from T1118, 1798 -1892 have been indexed. Authority for detached service and other absences are often noted. This collection consists of an index and images of muster rolls of the United States Marine Corps located at the National Archives. To browse this image set, select from the options below. Colored Troops, deserters, detachments, and the Hospital Corps. I've been a member of for years and have used their USMC Muster rolls quite a bit. This page has been viewed 18,022 times (3,115 via redirect). Alternatively, you can search by just a year and location and then browse the image results. From the list of approved abbreviations we see that: The heading at the top of that page of the muster roll states that it covered the recruits arriving at Parris Island, South Carolina, for period from 1 January to 31 January 1943 inclusive: So we can say that Donald R. Petit enlisted on 14 December 1942 at the District Headquarters Station (Recruiting) in Springfield, Massachusetts. molar enthalpy of combustion of methanol. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) How would you handle a census record that is almost certainly the target family but which has too many discrepancies? Muster Rolls and Personnel Diaries of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations, and Other Naval Activities, 1/1/1949 - 12/31/1971, Personnel Diaries and Muster Rolls, 1/1/1972 - 1/31/1983. Scanned from microfilm, not the original records, some pages may be fuzzy. The Fourth Registration, often referred to as the "old man's registration", was conducted on 27 April 1942. The following rolls and dates from T977, 1893-1940 have been indexed. (*) indicates further description at end of the appendix. Instead, please check for access at your local library as many library systems subscribe to these sites, making them free for their patrons. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The original muster rolls are held by the National Archives and Records Administration, archive reference T1118. See U.S. Navy Muster Rolls, 17981939. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? The rolls were made at the time a unit was created (muster-in rolls), when a unit was reorganized, when two or more units were merged, and when a unit was disbanded (muster-out rolls). This page has been viewed 18,021 times (3,115 via redirect). This article describes a collection of records at It also includes information about TDY, AWOL, DEF, gains, losses, promotions, reductions. Morning reports for Army Air Force units (from November 1, 1912 to August 1947) and Air Force units (from September 1947 to June 30, 1966) are in the custody of the National Archives at St. Louis (RL-SL). Information contained in this database includes: name, rank, enlistment date, muster date, and station. The following rolls and dates from T977, 1893-1940 have been indexed. NAID 546, Muster Rolls of the United States Marine Corps, 1798-1892, Muster Rolls of Officers and Enlisted Men of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1893-1940, United States Research Tips and Strategies, United States Enlistment and Discharge Records, Beginning Research in United States Military Records, Library of the Marine Corps Research Portal, Official Military Personnel Files, RG 127 Records of the US Marine Corps, Continental Marines,1775-1798 Administrative History Note, United States Marine Corps in the World War, Officers & Enlisted Men of the US Marine Corps Deaths Overseas World War I, Officers & Enlisted Men of the US Marine Corps Deaths in the U.S. & Possessions Apr 6, 1917- Nov 11, 1918 World War I, Officers & Enlisted Men of the US Marine Corps Deaths (Except Overseas Deaths) Nov 12, 1918-Nov 17, 1921, National Archives and Records Administration, Carded Medical Records of the Marine Corps, 1821-1884. There is also a list of approved abbreviations, " for use in muster rolls and other Marine Corps forms ", beginning on page 24. n the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94) - This series consists of monthly returns of Regular Army organizations sent in to the Adjutant General's Office, showing stations of companies and names of officers commanding the different companies; number of absent noncommissioned officers, musicians, artificers, privates, and matrosses; statistical information relating to numbers present for duty, absent, sick, in arrest or confinement, and the like; names of all the officers attached to the different companies of the regiment; and significant remarks. Help for civilians and veterans seeking information and military records, past and present. 20 May: USMC: Cunningham Field, Cherry Point, North Carolina, capable of servicing the needs of the greater part of a Marine aircraft wing, was commissioned. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. For additional information about image restrictions see Restrictions for Viewing Images in FamilySearch Historical Record Collections. United States Muster Rolls of the Marine Corps, 1798-1937 FamilySearch RecordsImagesFamily TreeGenealogiesCatalogBooksWiki Cite This Collection "United States Muster Rolls of the Marine Corps, 1798-1937." Database with images. Copies of the muster rolls are available at (1). U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947. , 2008 Elliot Road, Quantico, VA 22134-5030. General trends will show through multiples enlistments. These have also been digitized through our partnership with Ancestry, and can be viewed on their website at: U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958. The muster is then organized by rank and name of the Marine in alphabetical order. Volunteers, U.S. This may require viewing multiple records or images. Muster Rolls of Volunteer Organizations During the Civil War, Mexican War, Creek War, Cherokee Removal, and Other Wars, 1836 - 1866. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94) - This series contains muster rolls, returns, and regimental papers for Volunteer organizations participating in the Civil War, Mexican War, Creek War, and Cherokee Removal. for information about submitting requests for these records. Please contact the Air Force Historical Research Agency for access to these reports. This database contains an index to U.S. Marine Corps muster rolls from 1798-1958. The U.S. Air Force discontinued the Morning Report (AF Form 183) on June 30, 1966. Muster rolls, 1798-1945 (1,285 vols.) What does this Peninsular War medal roll say? The records were not transcribed. General returns, 1821-1914. For more information, see Access to Morning Reports and Unit Rosters and Morning Reports - NPRC Veterans Service Officer (VSO). Fax: (202) 357-5936 These rolls were captured by Union forces or surrendered by Confederate forces or officers during and at the end of the Civil War; or were donated to, or purchased by, the Federal Government after the Civil War. U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, Provided in association with National Archives and Records Administration. General trends will show through multiples enlistments. Duplicate Copies of Muster and Descriptive Rolls of Volunteer Organizations, 1864 - 1865. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94) - This series contains duplicate Union muster-in and muster-out rolls for service during the Civil War. Navy personnel diaries (also known as muster rolls) after 1983 are in the custody of the Navy Personnel Command (PERS-00J6), 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington, TN 38055. These rolls can be viewed via Ancestry and are searchable by name. Scanned from microfilm, not the original records, some pages may be fuzzy. You could then browse the list for individuals that may be your ancestor, Search the indexes and records of nearby counties. This page has been viewed 18,020 times (3,115 via redirect). Information contained in . Within these records, you can find notable individuals from Marine Corps history, such as Major General John A Lejeune, the 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, and John F Mackie, the first US Marine to receive the Medal of Honor. For more information about these records, please contact RL-SL via email at The USMC Muster Roll November 1942 - Vol 5 (image 477) shows Headquarters and Service Company, First Separate Battalion (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force Training Center, New River, North Carolina (later referred to as Camp Lejeune). Muster Rolls and Personnel Diaries: Muster Rolls and Personnel Diaries for the US Marine Corps. Please be aware some collections consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any images. Regimental and Company Books of Mexican War Volunteer Organizations, 1846 - 1848. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1917 (Record Group 94) - This series consists of order books, descriptive books, registers of letters received, letters sent books, and morning reports for volunteer regiments and companies that served in the Mexican War. Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. These records were created to document enlisted Navy personnel assigned to each and every discrete Navy command (known as "activities" in Navy terminology), such as ships, aviation squadrons, air stations, bases, stations, training centers and schools, flag staffs, and Marine Corps units. 16,jdfr ERD, 14Dec42,anl DHS Springfield, Mass. Please see, This database is an indexed collection of the draft cards from the Fourth Registration. These provide a listing of anyone who reported on-board each day, anyone who left, anyone who did not report, and anyone who reenlisted. It also includes information about TDY, AWOL, DEF, gains, losses, promotions, reductions. The Muster Roll of Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Marine Corps, detailing the Marine personnel at the General Supply Company, Fifth Field Depot station in the Pacific in July of 1945. number 438 Donald R. Petit, joined the US Marines on the 14th December, 1942. Arranged by two-year chronological subseries (1949-1950, 1951-1952, 1953-1954, 1955-1956, and 1957-1958), followed by single-year subseries (1959-1971)., World War II 1975 Also included are volunteer descriptive lists and accounts of pay and clothing. The records are organized by year, month, and then by duty station. For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at Washington, DC - Textual Reference (RDT1) at Include the cutter's or station's name and the month and year you are interested in. Prior to 1918, muster rolls sometimes also contained a record of events column describing the activities engaged in by the unit. Muster Rolls of Volunteer Organizations During the War of 1812, 6/18/1812 - 2/17/1815, Muster Rolls of Volunteer Organizations In Various Indian Wars and Other Incidents Requiring the Employment of Troops, 1794 - 1858. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94) - This series contains muster rolls for volunteer organizations which had service in the Black Hawk War, 1831-32; the Whiskey Insurrection in Pennsylvania, 1794; the Patriot War, 1838-39; and other events. in the Records of the U.S. Marine Corps (Record Group 127). The Doughboy Foundations mission is to keep the story of, Republished Daily - Government War Gazette. Abbott first mustered in as a private and in 1924 he was a corporal. Constance Potter is a retired reference archivist. AA Anti-Aircraft or Army Artillery All rosters for the period are not available and usually list only enlisted personnel. Links to organizations looking for artifacts. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g.
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