3 words to describe your personal brand

Go through a variety of filters to zero in on the leads you want to reach. However, a personal brand statement is just fluff unless you align your actions with it. What words come to mind when you think of a stylish person? These are some of the best personal brand statement examples on social media today. Bethany, great article! It sounds like a clever angle for a personal brand at first, and the phrase builder certainly appeals to me but it really just comes across as a humblebrag, or even a little delusional. Personal branding is a very important step in the job search process. Efficiently accelerate growth across your company by enabling employees to share and create content on social media. Intelligent. Do clients feel that strongly about your brand? If youre looking to make your personal brand more irresistible, check out these brand words that will help get you there! Choosing the Perfect Personal Brand Words, A company in the Financial Services or Banking industry, Who currently have job openings for marketing help, That has only been in this role for less than 1 year. Brand Adjectives: Daring, spirited, imaginative, up-to-date. Positive 4. We have over 60,000 monthly readers that would love to see it! Since you are adaptable and versatile in any environment, being meticulous shows a flair for paying attention to detail and using critical thinking skills in analyzing complex technical issues while also jumping in with creativity when the situation calls for it. Thanks for this article and thought process. Personal Brands: It's not just about products or services anymore you can build your own personas through social media and hence boost your brand. As a result, I created an infographic to highlight how people position their brand in ONE word. The word "popular" means "well-liked" or "well-known". Innovation is in my bloodI seek to find ways to adapt when needed and disrupt when possible. Your personal brand is one of your most important career development assets. to craft your professional image without coming across as arrogant or desperate. By honing in on these areas, you can start to build a strong personal brand that will serve you well both professionally and personally. Excellent post !! Then, ask a close friend or co-worker what 3 words they'd use. Be careful not to boast about your achievements too much, or you may come across as arrogant. With more and more people developing their personal brand statements, some common trends are starting to emerge. Here are some other personal brand statement examples that are more oriented around driving an action: As you can see, these personal brand statement examples are all about the value that they can provide others. Brevity begets precision. Plus, these qualities are always attractive in a professional setting. The four aspects of personal brand words. Additional words include versatile, resourceful and adaptable. Dont try and shoehorn your statement into a format that doesnt work for you. The EveryoneSocial platform makes it easy for colleagues to share industry news and thought leadership at a company that can then be shared to external networks. One thing to remember, your personal brand statement is not your job title! As a former entrepreneur, I leverage the little-known tax secrets that arent taught in school, saving my clients hundreds of thousands of dollars.. for your long-term career development. When it comes to personal branding, there are certain words that can make all the difference. Whats most important to me is that my clients gain insights and walk away with an aha moment, something they learned that makes an impact in their professional lives. Every great brand has a story, from Converse Shoes to Marilyn Monroe to cartoonist Hugh MacLeod. Feeling something else? When choosing personal branding words, it is important to consider what you want people to think of when they hear your name. Creating a three-word brand that works for you in your future job and is recognizable will add to your credibility with a potential employer. Simple because I love easy, light and airy outfits; timeless because I can wear the same style 10-20yrs from now and relatable because anyone at any age can be comfortable wearing my style. I transform accomplished women from unknown to unforgettable with a strategic, trustworthy personal brand.. Id love to hear what your brand adjectives are! LinkedIn profiles have reference sections where people can say nice things about you. and true to yourself so that your personal brand is the real you. I recently started with a new coaching client who stated he wanted to gain real-life best practices and achieve tangible results through our coaching. Even after youve decided on a statement, it is a good idea to check with a friend to make sure that your idea of yourself matches what others think of you. Your personal brand statement should be short enough to fit on one line on your business card. Frankly, it can make all the difference in short-term job searches as well. While you wont have that challenge, you should be inspired by his precision. My motto is Work Smarter Not Harder. I live by this and teach it to others every day.. I also invite you to join our LinkedIn group, "Personal Brand Development for Leaders" so you can learn and share with others in our community. Weve put them into three core buckets that you can mix and match to craft a professional image that actually fits your personality. It might be a good idea to speak with a personal branding consultant to get the balance right. If you want your projects to take center stage, then pair them with personal brand concepts that denote humility, such as curiosity or self-improvement. This is crazy specific, but you could find all the people that match the following: Want to help contribute to future articles? Remember: you'll require an element of consistency throughout everything you do. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses-and your 3 word selfallows you to start building your personal brand. Being collaborative is not just about being a team player. Exclusive, stylish, and exquisite (expensive). For some people the word immediately comes to mind. Relaxed.". Finally, look at your three lists of words, and see how you can combine them into a short sentence or phraseno more than five words. Your Personal Success Profile seems very interesting and something I would ask that you expend upon if have time. Feeling inspired by those personal brand statement examples? Justin McGill posted this in the Sales Terminology Category on December 1, 2021 Last modified on June 8th, 2022, Home Choosing the Perfect Personal Brand Words. That's your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. These adjectives describe my personality: I am a culture champion, creator, and teacher. Make 2 lists. Thats why you get a summary and an entire about section on LinkedIn to. In most cases you will find consistency from your feedback providers. As a matter of fact, you really have just a few seconds to introduce yourself and present your personal branding statement. You should be respectful of their time and yours. Hi there, I'm Juls! function load(e){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=document.createElement("link");return n.type="text/css",n.rel="stylesheet",n.href=e,t.appendChild(n),n}load('//unpkg.com/cta.css@2.0.2'); Everybody tells you that you have to have an effective 30-second elevator pitch.. They see you as organized. One-to-one meetings with your manager and 360 0 feedback from peers and colleagues will help you understand if the . Ensure that the words you choose are genuine and reflect yourself accurately. The Brand (obviously). If you have trouble brainstorming personal skills, ask close friends or co-workers what they think your strengths are. The benefits of writing a personal brand statement are hard to deny at this point, and well explain in this article why having one is so important today. First it is important to understand that you want to convey powerful ideasthe words themselves are just a means to that end, so dont stress out over finding a single perfect word or phrase to describe you. Personal brand words cant replace your strategic message, First it is important to understand that you want to convey powerful. It shows that youre focused on doing something instead of just talking about it. . describe yourself both professionally and personally. Take a look at this example in which someone calls herself an influencer of change.. I never imagined how this question would resonate with people. These examples can be used as templates for inspiration when making your own personal brand statement. It acts as a mission statement for his career and what he values. Since it is such a powerful marketing tool, you are going to want to spend enough time on it to make it fantastic and ensure that it projects exactly the image of you that you want. I was amazed by the responses. People skim online, even when looking at LinkedIn profiles. Words like curious, driven, optimistic, passionate, intelligible, open-minded, creative, determined, self-reliant, humble, and focused may come to mind. How you think and can mold that thinking with the framework is a value-add skill that can apply in various situations. Or will you 2. Before I start any design project, I always send an in-depth questionnaire to my client. You can even quote them in your headline, as long as its an honest quotebut using titles and descriptive personal brand words on yourself that fly too close to the sun will leave you. During a recent keynote talk on leader communication, I asked the audience to write down three adjectives that others would use to describe them. This article has helped us focus in on how we can best stand out in the crowd. Some rules: Each cannot exceed 3 words. To date, Ive had 32,415 comments. Not many entrepreneurs can carry off 'wearing' their brand but Denise does and does it well. "Innovation is in my bloodI seek to find ways to adapt when needed and disrupt when possible. Youll notice there is a diverse set of words in this category but they all point to what people can count on when they work with this individual, their expertise. co-worker or a difficult client and how you have handled it professionally. People expect this, and you shouldnt shy away from having these influence your brand statement. Whenever you tweet, post, write, or introduce yourself with your 30 second pitch, think about those three words and what they mean to you . And he throws in a Star Wars reference that both shows off his sense of humor and appeals to his audience. The best personal brand statement examples are intimately tied in with the focus of the person who crafted it. Hope this helped you stand out from your competitors! We hope that the tips and personal brand statement examples we included will help you craft one that you are proud of. However, after polling several well-educated young professionals about their personal brand statement, we realized that there are still many individuals who dont understand how to use it to benefit their career and brand. Your personal brand statement has to be strong, descriptive, short, and catchy all at the same time. 300 satisfied clients so far.". In my coaching, workshops and key note speeches I seek to make an impact. Choose a word or phrase that describes your motivation for making sales. Or even a "great" voice. and overcome those trials and tribulations that will resonate with prospective employers I strive to improve myself and those around me, and I am always looking for ways to grow. A personal brand statement is a 1-2 sentence that sums up your brand. How did you come up with this methodology? Question: Activity 1.1 Write four words to describe your ideal self-concept (personal brand) 1 2 3 4 What steps are necessary to make your desired personal brand a reality? Dial-in your brief personal brand statement that you want to present so you can recite it on autopilot. If you get multiple words or themes determine if one word stands out more than the others. 7. Activity 1.2 What factors affect your attitude toward educational success? It must only be 3 exactly. This gives you a significant advantage over other profiles that have their value spread thin throughout their entire profile. While it may seem limiting to describe yourself in 5 words, The most powerful words in your profile are your descriptors. Im dedicated to transforming companies, departments, teams, projects, products, services, and experiences by focusing on the full arc of the Customer Experience.. Think of it as your catchphrase a tagline or slogan for marketing yourself! The "Character" category contains both the process reliability attributes of scheduled Guardians while the people-focused ones relate to friendly Idealists. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. These keywords that describe your industry expertise are: I am an effective and versatile creative strategist who is resourceful, methodical, experimental, and curious. The goal here is to find one or two things that separate you from your competition and make you unique. Social media amplification is the icing on the social media marketing cake. We all want to level up in life. Who better to trust for a personal branding statement example than a personal branding coach? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Amanda Todorovich from Cleveland Clinic shared: " [We have] three words: Useful, helpful, and relevant. Let us recap the key points that help you stand out as the best candidate: Stay honest, positive, and be yourself. He uses language that anyone could understand and highlights how he has unique knowledge that he uses to help and teach people. For Character words include honest, reliable, sincere and trustworthy. Get help for patent invention InventHelp experts. You might even want to, speak with a personal branding consultant. Motivated 3 . If you look at any strong personal branding statement example you will find that this is the main focus. The hype around their products and services is unreal because they invoke certain emotions in the customers with their creativity and passion. Meanwhile, Expertise contains descriptors of tough-minded Rationals while the final category of Drive roughly corresponds to the active Artisans. You can practice this easily. Check out these personal branding examples to see how other people pull this off successfully! That is an amazing stat though, that the job search time is cut in half after using your Personal Success Profile. Aaron Ward is an entrepreneur whose passion is to help creators create and sell digital products online. Having a short brand statement means that you will be able to market yourself quickly whenever a chance for networking arises (on the subway, for instance). This is especially helpful for recent graduates who need a professional edge in lieu of years of experience.. Synonym: Synonyms to the word "bold" include words like brave, fearless, courageous, and confident, among others. Our free tool helps you promote and enhance your personal brand online. Give your company a competitive edge and your team a professional boost. It will give you a clear vision of "where your going." For example, do you sell products based on the lowest price, or are you an exclusive dealer. Motivated 3. "I help thought leaders write great books in just 90 days. Consider these brand words that describe your expertise. For example, if brave is one of your main brand personality words, it could . When working with new clients, I ask them to describe what emotions they want their business, personal brand to convey. You dont want to come across as inauthentic or self-serving, so use them sparingly. Content Strategist.. Feel free to share them in the comments, email, or Instagram DM! brand, one of the first pieces of information I seek to extract from them When people see something from my brand they think it is _________. The best way to describe my personal style is: Simple, timeless and relatable. This may seem a little bit too simple, but when you are trying to find some quality or skill that only you and a few other people have it really helps a lot. Odds are, you probably are one yourself. The process for identifying your ONE word is just as important as your actual ONE word. Its often a subtle distinction that a lot of people overlook. Match your answer with the job description of the job you're applying for. If youve ever come across someones LinkedIn profile and cringed a little, then you know what I mean. Now its time to craft your own. Frankly, it can make all the difference in short-term job searches as well. Your personal brand is one of your most important assets for your long-term career development. It should be short and catchy but also contain enough compelling information to convey your value and show your personality. Here are three types of words that describe your personal brand. Time and time again we see people spend hours crafting and refining their personal brand statement, only for them to just put it on their website. How would you handle it? . Are you clear on your brands mission, vision, and values? Words to Describe Your Brand. Be sure to take note of those too and choose words are a great fit for your brand and your business. . Positive 4 . https://docstation.co/features/medication-therapy-management, Introduction To Personal SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Improve Your Google Results: Getting Started, Advanced Tactics to Improve Your Google Results, How to Fight an Unwanted Image Result On Google, How To Bury Or Push Down Negative Google Search Results, I help people create new opportunities in their businesses and careers., I am a personal trainer, specializing in weight training and mobility., I give authors visibility on untapped promotional platforms where they can share their work., I spark new product ideas for large companies that have stagnant product cycles., I help CEOs transform their brand in only 60 days. to see how other people pull this off successfully! Its especially true if the goal is to implement pharmaceutical management in your business. Youll see most professionals on LinkedIn describing themselves with personal brand adjectives, but thats not really the best way to convey your brand. it comes to a grey area that you have never been exposed to. How to use descriptive words for your personal brand, Using descriptive words for your personal brand can come across as inauthentic and self-serving, so you need to use them sparingly. Define who you are. And this process does not have to be overwhelming! Dont get caught up in thinking if you didnt pick a word that falls into a particular category you dont possess these qualities, e.g. Deciding on 3-5 meaningful adjectives to characterize your brand can help you discover how to connect with your ideal audience, your overall messaging, tone of voice, and . Successful branding involves just three steps: Identify your Brand Attributes: Identify what makes you different from your peers and competitors. Avoid using too many personal branding words or phrases. Your personal brand statement combines these into a short, punchy narrative. Press Esc to cancel. Hard-working 2. And you should use it there, in your email signature, in your blog postings or comments, as your LinkedIn Professional Headline, and anywhere else where its appropriate to promote yourself. In life (as distinct from branding), the three most used and most powerful words are, "I love you." Together, they are definitive. One that when people hear it, they know who it is. One of the most important (and sometimes the most difficult) section is to describe the feeling you want your brand to have. Sometimes it takes longer than expected to discover the right fit. It's more advanced to focus on the first three aspects of your personal brand: skills, personality, and motivation. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I teach people how to use unconventional strategies to land jobs they love in todays market (without connections, without traditional experience, and without applying online).. Examples of brands: Coca Cola, Nike, Gong. For the past 15+ years, I have been . Make sure to keep it consistent across platforms, however, because using the same sentence every time will help others remember it and associate it with you. Its also important to understand why the client feels this way and to explain how these characteristics are applied in real-world examples. One of the most common ones weve seen is an overly aggressive or desperate call to action when speaking to potential clients or employers. Your brand personality is essentially how you speak to your people across your different platforms and media, and having some core traits is helpful for you to always refer back to. Imagine your brand as a personal relationship in your customers' lives. I work with creative women who have a . A leadership brand conveys your identity and distinctiveness as a leader. They have to think analytically when it comes the legal framework, but also balance business strategy and organizational impact when making decisions. Elizabeth has developed a highly engaged audience on LinkedIn by offering job search advice and sharing more from her personal life.

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