8 forms of contact dinocave

Once the platoon leader has enough information to make a decision, he selects a COA that is within the capabilities of the platoon, that allows the platoon to continue the reconnaissance as quickly as possible, and that supports the commander's concept of the operation. (b) Successive Bounds. What are the four rehearsal types? (b) Evaluate and Develop the Situation. Leaders use POSNAV aids to identify their location and the location of subordinate and adjacent units. Locating covered and concealed movement routes for friendly attacking units. b. Executing the four steps allows the platoon to accomplish its mission in accordance with reconnaissance fundamentals: (1) Deploy and Report. Wiki User. Maximum use is made of folds of the earth and concealment to mask movement from likely enemy positions. In all types of operations, contact occurs when an individual soldier, team, or section of the reconnaissance platoon encounters any situation that requires an active or passive response to the enemy. If the element in contact is unable to report or cannot report quickly, another team in the reconnaissance platoon section must report. In most cases, planning for an exfiltration operation begins at the same time as planning for the infiltration (or other tactical operation) that precedes it. What is a light mortar? Establishing a contact point to link up with, brief, and guide the friendly unit as necessary. See answer (1) Best Answer. This COA is appropriate when an enemy force, based on its current disposition, is not in a position to influence the platoon's higher commander. He ensures that the COA is within the capabilities of the platoon, allows platoon members to continue the reconnaissance as quickly as possible, and supports the commander's concept of the operation. The formation may be widened to permit passage of vehicles down the center of the column. The platoon must also establish a hasty defense when the enemy executes a hasty attack. Exfiltration is removal of personnel or units from areas under enemy control using stealth, deception, surprise, or clandestine means. Figure 3-12. The move-set technique of movement is simply an organized way of controlling the reconnaissance section when it moves in bounding overwatch. What are the 8 forms of contact Army? This problem increases with the addition of position updates and friendly and enemy icons during the mission. While attempting to develop the situation, the section or team may find that it cannot determine the exact enemy situation for a number of possible reasons to include obstacles, combat losses, suppressive fires by the enemy, or the size and extent of the enemy position. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). (b) If detected by the enemy, the section or team uses a combination of mounted and dismounted reconnaissance. The various techniques and formations have unique advantages and disadvantages. All groups rehearse this procedure since no one knows which group will arrive first. Simultaneously, the section or team maintains at least one hasty OP in contact with the enemy. The infiltration plan must provide the platoon with enough time for preparation, rehearsal, and initial movement. See answer (1) Copy. Two-section platoon line formation. The instructions below explain the first time setup that enables you to print a design or schematic to a PDF. The vehicle commander can retrieve the operational overlay on one layer, the enemy situation template on another layer, the fire support overlay on another, and so forth. The six mounted reconnaissance platoon formations are line, wedge, column, staggered column, coil, and herringbone. The lead vehicle then moves forward again, with the overwatch vehicle providing security. When moving as teams, the size of the teams makes detection less likely. To accomplish a specific task, the reconnaissance platoon itself may need to infiltrate areas occupied by enemy forces. They should not attack more heavily armored vehicles except in self-defense. The move-set method can be used to control bounding overwatch within the reconnaissance section regardless of the platoon organization. The reconnaissance platoon may select this COA when it does not have the resources to leave an element in contact and continue to accomplish its priority reconnaissance tasks. The platoon leader plans signals to direct movement to the alternate rally point. When dismounted, the platoon leader or platoon sergeant should transmit his position location to direct the mounted elements into positions of greater advantage to provide support and maintain digital connectivity with the battalion. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). The platoon is attacking separately or as part of a larger unit. Movement is not maneuver. The section or team leader sends a contact report and quickly engages and destroys the enemy vehicle. As a general rule, the platoon, section, or team should disengage from the enemy as early in the contact as possible. The platoon always executes the coil from the column or staggered column, using the four-vehicle organization. Study MCCC Company Phase Exam flashcards. Leaders at echelons from platoon through company conduct actions on contact when they, or a subordinate element, recognize one of the forms of contact or receive a report of enemy contact. (2) Exfiltration by Land. However, the screen may display only a small portion of the platoon's area of operations. c. Maps. Some revisions are not of actual mistakes, but will improve the clarity of the writing. Many times the platoon must plan, rehearse, and execute a combination of mounted and dismounted movement. (4) Move-Set Technique. On the line provided write either DN for double negative or S for standard. Visual contact (friendly elements may or may not be observed by the enemy). DN\underline{\color{#c34632}{DN}}DN Nancy hasnt missed no football games this year. The command and control equipment available to the SBCT infantry battalion reconnaissance platoon significantly enhances the platoon's ability to conduct effective tactical movement, both day and night. What are the 8 forms of contact? The commander approves or disapproves the recommended COA based on how it will affect the parent unit's mission. They should use radio listening silence except to report contact with enemy forces or to send critical information that the commander has directed them to report immediately. c. In the conduct of most tactical missions, the reconnaissance platoon may move as separate sections or sections under the command and control of the platoon leader. These platoon members should report the enemy contact to the overwatching vehicles and to the platoon leader. FM 3-21.9 provides additional information on infantry platoon dismounted formations. The software should not limit the platoon leader's planning and use of control measures and operational graphics. (a) Deploy and Report. Infiltration plans always cover employment of indirect fires although the platoon uses them only in limited circumstances. This allows the platoon leader to evaluate and develop the situation while out of contact. Ask a Lawyer. For example, when a section or team repeatedly misses mandatory radio contact, other elements must assume that the element has a communications problem, is in trouble, or both. Vehicles must be located where enemy elements can not observe them. The reconnaissance platoon uses this technique only when an analysis of METT-TC shows that only one lane is feasible. His other sections continue their reconnaissance mission. Example platoon coil formation. The platoon must approach hills and curves cautiously, and dismounted members must clear any dead space. Traveling overwatch is used when contact is possible but speed is desirable (Figures 3-10 and 3-11). The exfiltrating force should use mountains, dense foliage, and other terrain features to screen these noises. A reconnaissance section or team should deploy an OP when it is at risk of losing observation on a possible enemy approach route that no other element can cover. This COA is appropriate when the reconnaissance platoon discovers enemy elements his higher commander wants to destroy but which it cannot destroy either because it lacks sufficient combat power or because it has other tasks to perform. Dinocap is a contact fungicide used to control powdery mildew on many crops and is also used as a . (c) Choose and Recommend a COA and Maneuver the Force. It does not, however, relieve him of the responsibility of tracking the move on his map. Figure 3-13. It uses bounding overwatch because of the possibility of enemy contact. Leaders and soldiers must remain proficient in using basic land navigation and terrain orientation skills. He then employs specific reconnaissance methods and movement techniques to either avoid the danger areas or move through them as quickly as possible and with as much security as possible. (2) Technology can enhance movement and route planning for operations, but platoon and section leaders must create concept sketches for briefing to the platoon. Purposes. The factors the reconnaissance platoon leader needs to consider addressing, such as moving more rapidly and employing greater stealth and security in the various terrains, will always be METT-TC dependent. Whenever possible, the reconnaissance platoon should reconnoiter urban areas from a distance, execute hand-off to follow-on elements, and bypass if possible. One section or team acts as overwatch for the displacing section or team as it moves. During its move, the lead vehicle overwatches it. Once they finish, the platoon resumes movement using its chosen movement technique. Thus, some groups must share a lane with one or more groups while others do not. Locating and preparing to occupy base of fire positions, if required. Route Planning. The platoon should also develop SOPs for limited visibility marking to aid in command and control at night. f. Examples of Actions on Contact. The route of the bounding element to that position. They use the POSNAV capabilities of the C3 subsystem as an enhancement to tactical navigation and not as a replacement. Based on the initial spot report of the reconnaissance section or team in contact, the platoon leader determines that he has located his primary reconnaissance objective. (a) The platoon leader updates his spot report to the commander with any new information and then recommends a COA to the commander. Open areas frequently afford the reconnaissance platoon the opportunity to observe the enemy or objectives from long ranges. The platoon leader or PSG relays the contact report to the battalion tactical operations center and or the tactical command post (TAC CP), followed as soon as possible by a spot report and updates. When this reconnaissance is complete, the section or team sends an updated report to higher headquarters. The earlier in the contact that the platoon leader can make this decision, the better. By the late 1800s, what right had women in the united states still not won? The advantages of moving as a platoon are faster movement and easier control and navigation. The platoon leader issues appropriate orders directing his subordinates to prepare to support the hasty attack. The purpose of tactical movement is to move units on the battlefield either to initiate contact with the enemy or to reach a destination when contact with the enemy along the way is possible. Once he decides on a COA, he recommends it to the battalion commander and provides information on how the platoon COA will affect the current situation. (3) When enemy contact is likely and the platoon must move across large open areas with limited cover and concealment, the platoon leader should consider using reconnaissance by indirect fire to provide additional security during movement. Position updates include, as a minimum, the locations of the platoon leader, his section leaders, and vehicles. Wiki User. (2) Contact with an Unknown or Superior Force. Since they do not have a clear idea of the size of the enemy, they react as if it is a superior force. The lead vehicle and the overwatch element occupy positions that allow them to observe the destroyed vehicle. Leaders must focus information-gathering assets (GSR, TUAVs, human intelligence [HUMINT], and RSTA) to provide detailed enemy locations and intentions. To shape the engagement area by forcing enemy elements to turn, slow down, stop, or flank themselves at . Vehicles are positioned 100 to 150 meters apart (Figure 3-7). This information allows the platoon leader to disperse his unit during movement. The platoon operates with and without vehicle support, so section and platoon leaders must understand how to move and maneuver in either tactical situation. a. Dismounted Formations. b. Contingencies. b. Direct. people C. devastating to feet-People D. devastating to feet, people. Formations are intended to be flexible and easily modified to fit the situation, terrain, and combat losses. All vehicles should move completely off the road if terrain allows. The halt should last approximately one to two minutes, with 360-degree security maintained and radio speakers minimized throughout. 1 / 8. Actions on contact include all forms of contact: sensor; direct and indirect lethal and nonlethal fires; air; obstacle or device; electronic warfare; and chemical, biological, radiological . 1 / 8. Terrain considerations may also affect the choice of movement technique. Ask an Expert. When that point is reached, the overwatch element must move out, even if the bounding element has not yet reached a position of cover and concealment. The steps that make up actions on contact must be thoroughly trained and rehearsed so that the platoon can react instinctively, as a team, whenever it encounters enemy forces. He keeps the commander informed of what he is doing as he executes the COA. Urban areas, including towns and villages, pose many potential dangers for the reconnaissance platoon. (1) Movement Considerations. a. (b) Evaluate the Situation. "Set" means that the element has arrived at its destination and has occupied a position from which it can observe to its front. As the reconnaissance platoon executes reconnaissance and security missions, it will encounter routes or mobility corridors that provide access into the area between the platoon and friendly elements to its rear. A reconnaissance section or team makes contact when its dismounted element identifies an enemy force. If the section or team receives fire from the enemy, it returns fire but only with the intent of breaking direct fire contact. Maintain contact to support a hasty attack. After considering these factors, the leaders decide to infiltrate either mounted or dismounted. Extraction by air or RV (ground) is favored when the resources are available and their use will not compromise the mission. 2013-01-27 16:14:33. Choose an example of each element, and explain how it helps make the speech effective. (5) Before leaving a wooded area, the platoon must clear the open area to the front. DINO CAVE (Contacts) Direct. f. Fire Support. They are organized using the four-step process. This publication provides the basic information necessary to understand Army . At platoon level, OPs or patrols gain contact with the enemy, then report and prepare to displace to successive positions. As they develop new information, they send spot reports to the platoon leader. This formation can be used regardless of the platoon organization and is applicable to most reconnaissance platoon missions. Due to the complexity of these operations, the battalion staff and the reconnaissance platoon leader conduct detailed planning. Movement into and out of the various formations must be second nature to each section. Once the vehicles are inside the wood line (approximately 100 to 200 meters), the platoon shuts off vehicle engines, maintains dismounted security, and conducts a listening/security halt. Deploy and report 2. (d) Execute the COA. (3) Bounding Overwatch. This chapter focuses on the movement techniques and formations that combine to provide the platoon leader with options for moving his unit. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). (2) Terrain Factors. (Refer to Chapter 6 of this manual for specific information on the urban environment.). To do this, they use information from the battalion S2, sensor reports on the FBCB2, and information collected by dismounted patrols. When conducting movement in a secure area, it is appropriate to specify the order of march by SOP. Traveling is the fastest but least secure movement technique. (2) The platoon should move to the wooded area using mounted bounding overwatch. Figure 3-2. The order of march in the column may depend on which organization the platoon will use at the end of the movement; in addition, the lead section may vary based on METT-TC considerations. In general, infiltrating elements should use digital communications as the primary means of communications. This paragraph discusses the technological advantages of the mobility systems and C3 subsystems of the reconnaissance platoon as operational aids for planning, navigating, controlling, and executing combat operations. (e) Conduct a Hasty Attack. The platoon must conduct detailed coordination with any adjacent units or friendly elements through which it will pass to ensure these elements do not compromise the reconnaissance platoon as it conducts the infiltration. Preferably, the section leader uses hand-and-arm signals or digital communication within the section for command and control. (1) Platoon members should use available terrain to scan the wooded area before entering. As information becomes available, the element in contact sends a contact report, followed by a digital or analog size, activity, location, and time (SALT) report . Patrols request permission to return to the platoon vehicles. Leaders must maintain a paper map with an acetate operational graphics overlay in case of system failures. This report is quickly followed by an initial spot report. The platoon must conduct these halts at regular intervals (approximately every kilometer) while moving through the wooded area. If you need more space to answer the questions, attach another sheet of paper. (2) Traveling Overwatch. (c) The leader must designate an alternate rally point to use if the primary rally point is occupied by the enemy, is compromised, or is found to be unsuitable. Read the following passage and then choose the best revision for the underlined portions of the paragraph. (c) Maintain Contact and Bypass. The trail element remains close enough to provide immediate suppressive fire and to maneuver for support. The lead vehicle advances to a point (first move) where it can support the advance of the overwatch vehicle. He continues to inform his commander of the enemy situation and the platoon's actions. Refer to the seven general categories of contact discussed in paragraph 3-4c. (3) Column Formation. On signal, the overwatch vehicle moves forward to a position abreast of the lead vehicle (second move) and halts. To locate unobserved routes through enemy positions. (1) Extraction by Air or Vehicle. The amount of intelligence information available to the reconnaissance platoon leader during the planning process determines the risk involved in conducting the infiltration. (See Figure 3-13, for an illustration of dismounted bounding overwatch.) These reconnaissance elements move to dismount points, set their vehicles in hide positions, and send dismounted patrols to multiple vantage points using dismounted reconnaissance techniques, with the emphasis on avoiding detection. They look for any other signs of enemy activity or any enemy response to the destruction of the vehicle. Visibility within wooded areas is very limited; therefore, reconnaissance is confined primarily to trafficable routes and trails through the forest. It provides for immediate direct fire suppression on an enemy force that engages the bounding element with direct fire. His exfiltration plan should factor in additional time that the platoon may need to react to unforeseen circumstances, such as inadvertent contact with enemy forces or unexpected restrictive terrain. Do not rely totally on technology. Visual contact (the platoon is undetected by the enemy force). Read the following sentence, and decide whether it contains a double negative. The platoon must use them in conjunction with other movement- and security-related measures. It must treat each as a separate task. Movement during dismounted operations is similar to mounted movement but requires more command and control due to the decentralized nature of the task. In most cases, the reconnaissance platoon can not or should not mass its combat power to defeat an enemy force. When operating out of normal communications range, an infiltrating element that must transmit required information should move to high ground or set up a long-range expedient antenna. To achieve a positional advantage to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance. In such a case, the reconnaissance platoon leader can evaluate the situation, choose a COA consistent with his higher commander's intent or concept, and execute it without further guidance. The lead element moves continuously along covered and concealed routes that afford the best available protection from possible enemy observation and direct fire. The first step in. If necessary, the platoon can use a series of contact points, coordination points, or both, to enhance security during movement through the area. Posted on June 16, 2022 June 16, 2022 The overwatch vehicle engages the source of enemy fire by calling for indirect fire support, then monitors to ensure the contact report is sent. (2) Developing the situation is a critical step in choosing the correct COA and providing an accurate, timely report to the commander. Section dismounted formation. An element (normally a section or team) maintains contact while the rest of the reconnaissance platoon continues the reconnaissance mission. Some are secure yet slow while others are faster but less secure. In this technique, the lead and trail elements move together as a unit. (4) Staggered Column Formation. What is NGB 56? They do not have exact geometric dimensions and design. As the unit responsible for the attack moves into position, the reconnaissance element in contact may rejoin the platoon or be placed OPCON to the attacking unit to ease command, control, and coordination (Figure 3-16). During infiltration, the platoon uses predesignated routes to reach its objective without being detected and engaged by the enemy. ART Conduct Actions on Contact Develop the situation once contact is made, concentrate combat power, and transition to a hasty attack or defense. This is especially important when the platoon is moving through an enemy security area where enemy forces are likely to move in response to friendly activity or when the platoon expects to encounter a moving enemy force. If he decides additional assets are required, the platoon leader then orders other sections or teams not in contact to move to specific locations and assist in developing the situation. It affords all-round observation and fields of fire. The platoon focuses on requirements for a successful friendly attack, to include. METL Development The steps of attacking a strongpoint are: ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___> Recon Move to OBJ Isolate OBJ Attack to seize a foothold The section or team leader organizes a hasty reconnaissance patrol that attempts to move to the flank or rear of the enemy and observes the enemy position. What is area defense? Contact with an unknown or superior force. It attempts to confirm (or to determine in detail) enemy size, composition, activity, orientation, and weapon system locations. (d) Maintain Contact to Support a Hasty Attack. (a) If undetected by the enemy and time is available, the section or team reconnoiters the enemy position, emphasizing stealth, dismounted reconnaissance, and use of assets such as GSR and TUAVs, if available. The unit that moves first keeps its weapon systems oriented on the enemy. (a) Deploy and Report. Small clearings may require crossing in the same manner as a large open area. The additional graphic control measures may include routes of march, coordination points, passage points, and boundaries for subordinate units. Platoon using traveling technique and staggered column formation. Based on this evaluation and further guidance from higher, he can then maneuver the platoon out of contact and make contact either on his own terms or as directed by the commander. The routes should facilitate mission accomplishment within the limitations of boundaries and allow freedom of maneuver. The platoon uses these methods when it must cover long distances, time of return is essential, the exfiltration route lacks adequate cover and concealment, the enemy does not have air superiority, or heavily populated hostile areas obstruct ground exfiltration. If the battalion employs multiple lanes, the platoon leader must task organize to move along all lanes. The lead vehicle occupies the 12 o'clock position, and the other vehicles occupy the 3, 9, and 6 o'clock positions in accordance with the order of march. In densely wooded areas, mounted elements are extremely vulnerable to dismounted enemy forces that can close on them undetected. (d) Execute the COA. What are the top 10 most used form of communication What communication devices are the most popular nowadays TASMUS, Tactical Area Communications System is a network centric communication infrastructure that enables obtaining a common picture of the battlefield in near-real time and sharing data among battlefield systems in near-real time. Bounding overwatch, the slowest but most secure movement technique, is employed when enemy contact is expected. Recon the OBJ 3. (2) The leader identifies adjacent units and creates additional graphic control measures as needed on his operations overlay. helvetia 20 franc gold coin 1947 value; 8 forms of contact dinocave. The platoon leadership must keep in perspective that during dismounted operations there is always an information-gathering element and a control and security element (Figures 3-1 and 3-2), and they should resource each operation accordingly. The exfiltration plan might address this situation by calling for a resupply drop of new batteries and another means of communication at a predetermined location. Conduct an attack against an inferior force. This information is part of the mission analysis during troop-leading procedures (discussed in Chapter 2). (last updated February 8, 2012). This See Also: Dinocave forms of contact army Show details (2) Regardless of how thorough this analysis and planning may be, direct contact with the enemy is still a possibility, usually as a result of chance contact. The platoon leader decides whether to move as a platoon or as teams. Whether the platoon plans to exfiltrate on foot, by RV, or by air, it must conduct detailed planning to establish criteria for a passage of lines to minimize the chances of fratricide. It uses the four steps of actions on contact (covered in detail later in this paragraph) as the foundation for these drills: b. (3) Emergency Exfiltration. If possible, the section leader should provide his section with the following information: e. Execution of the movement techniques is described below. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). The plan would mandate that the resupply location be specially marked for security and identity purposes. Dissociating: the Dinocave registered: Mar 9, 2022. smoke HanSolo98, May 5, 2021 # 1182 game. Leaders must develop plans for extraction by applicable means (ground or air) before the operation, to include procedural contingencies such as the destruction of the RVs, evacuation of sick and wounded personnel, and disruption of communications. (g) Conduct Target Handoff. It normally maintains contact with the lead element and may stop periodically for better observation. During mounted and dismounted movement, the platoon employs combat formations when the terrain supports their use or when the mission or reconnaissance objective is very focused. Army Doctrine Publication 3-90 Chapter 2-59 reads, "There are eight forms of contact: visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic." To help with remembering all eight, the initialism "DINOCAVE" is sometimes used.

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