advantages and disadvantages of bureaucratic management theory

5. Jacob Morgan, writing in Forbes, gives bureaucratic organization structures a complete brush off: "This type of a model makes sense for linear work where no brain power is required and where the people who work there are treated like expendable cogs.Every single organization I speak with, work with, and research, is looking to flatten out their structure. 2, JSTOR, December 29, 2010. A bureaucracy benefits society by creating structures that help to keep people safe and productive. The issue with a bureaucratic leadership style is that the focus tends to be on specialization and consolidation. It requires many workers to complete repetitive tasks or supervise those who are completing repetitive tasks. It creates a rigid division for the labor that must be complete. Weber, Max. Despite all difficulties, he displayed tenacity in carrying out his goals. This creates a starting line where everyone has the same chance to succeed. German sociologist Max Weber was the first person to formally study . Rules and regulations allow for multiple workers to function in the same way, which increases productivity further. Here are some of the key advantages and disadvantages of the bureaucratic leadership style to discuss. Alfred P Sloan, who was appointed chairman of the board of General Motors (GM) in 1937, was a bureaucratic leader who stretched the managerial limits of the style. It's generally less challenging for an individual to fit into a bureaucratic culture as compared to a flatter organizational structure. The leader has good listening skills and a high level of empathy. Katz D, Kahn RL (1978) The social . This creates a policy where people and departments spend money so they can have it in the following budget. It can take so long, in fact, that a second evolution can take place before the bureaucracy has adapted to the first evolution. This system suffers from too much of red tape and paper work.2. As the description implies, bureaucratic leadership is based on a structure and heavily reliant on a framework to function. The best people get put into the best jobs. With greater predictability comes more opportunities for personal growth for everyone. Organizations with a bureaucratic culture have strict policies for everything, which can slow down their operations and make communication difficult. Chains of command are clear, as are expectations and decision-making power. . Bureaucracy is all around us, from government agencies to offices to schools, so it's important to know how bureaucracies work, what real-world bureaucracies look like, and the pros and cons of bureaucracy. Applying rules and policies strictly and consistently reduce the chances that some people will receive more favorable treatment than others. A bureaucracy is an organization, whether publicly or privately owned, made up of several policymaking departments or units. Separation of jobs and relationships. Companies can keep adding teams to their structure to take on more work because they are confident that each project will be completed to the same skill and quality levels. It can take so long, in fact, that a second evolution can take place before the bureaucracy has adapted to the first evolution. Authorities are arranged in a hierarchy Each level of control has a clear line of command with well-defined duties and expectations. Webber's Bureaucratic Model possesses the following characteristics: (1) Administration through well-defined rules. Quality Laws: In a bureaucratic organization, quality laws, policies and decisions are made. "Peter principle." Here are the additional advantages and disadvantages of bureaucracy. Many complaints arise for bureaucratic management. It is difficult to maintain high morale within a bureaucracy. Before he became a U.S. President, Woodrow Wilson was a professor. Leaders will not usually listen to the advice of their team in this style either, though they might solicit for new ideas from time to time. Googling "power struggle at Amazon," returns results of many books about power struggles that are for sale at Amazon, but not a single article about anyone trying to wrestle control from Bezos. If a government is run by bureaucrats and . In 2018, this organizational structure is broadly criticized. Although there are limitations, disadvantages and improvements in need, Fayol's theory was considered to be the foundation of all later theories in management. However, at some point, the employee may be promoted to a position for which they lack the necessary specialized skills and knowledge. One of the reasons why team members become uninspired by a bureaucratic leader is that most systems are based on a series of quotas. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Smaller groups also have the opportunity to make micro-decisions as necessary. As one of the pros, the rules and regulations, the very standard and formal approach in every situation is not helpful in some situations. The potential of inefficiency is as high as the potential for efficiency. It enables companies to coordinate and systematically control large-scale activities. Since the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, sociologists, humorists, and politicians have developed theories (both supportive and critical) of bureaucracy and bureaucrats. With so much management, bureaucratic structures have strong boundaries. The issue with a bureaucratic leadership style is that the focus tends to be on specialization and consolidation. Actions are dictated by what the rules or laws want. There are some unique elements which distinguish this leadership style from others that are commonly practiced. Authority is centralized instead of spread out among employees. This creates low morale because the goals of the individual become a higher priority than the goals of the bureaucratic structure. For instance, bureaucratic rules and regulations don't really help much particularly when unexpected situations crop up. The most visible of those bureaucracies include the Social Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Veterans Benefits Administration. 5. "What Is Bureaucracy, and Is It Good or Bad?" That perspective can cause changes in budget line expenditures, project availability, and even which demographics are targeted for consumers. His theory was associated with three different types of legitimate power, and they were-. This may include additional forms to fill out, new filing regulations, or new evaluations that must be conducted. Scientific Management is an "approach to management based on the application of work study techniques to the design and organisation of work in order to identify the one best way" (Fellenz &Martin, 2010). Weber believed in the "ideal type" of the bureaucracy of an organization. If you meet the quota, then youve done your job. Leaders tend to stay in their positions until another position with a better salary opens up. 1. Bureaucracy increasingly demands people working as bureaucrats to be highly disciplined and abide by the rules, upholding ethical values. Definition and Examples, What Is Qualified Immunity? Because of the mechanized nature of a bureaucracy, organizations or governmental structures that have policies and procedures in place can be easily merged. Added time creates additional costs to all who are involved. The Scientific Management Theory was best suited to large companies at the turn of the century, not small modern offices. That means taxpayers have an extra burden in governmental structures, while customers pay higher costs in commercial and industrial structures. Health insurance, vacation time, and even a retirement pension would all be included as part of the security a bureaucracy can provide. Actions are dictated by those rules and laws. A huge staff must be managed, which necessitates the presence of a strong leader. Organizational rules and regulations are given priority over an individual's needs and emotions. All aspects of a democracy are organised on the basis of rules and laws, making the principle of established jurisdiction prevail. According to the theory, agencies and departments usually keep close contacts with interest group lobbyists who want to influence their actions. An insurance company, for example, may embrace this organizational structure to ensure its employees comply with customer data protection laws and follow industry's best practices. They must be self-assured and dedicated to their profession. It does not offer freedom for creativity. Structure sets the pace and framework for the functioning of the organization. 5. Bureaucracy also pro. At worst, bureaucratic leaders can create sharp drops in productivity. Weber has observed three types of power in organisations: traditional, charismatic and rational-legal or bureaucratic. It is an incentive to waste money by spending it on needless things so a budget increase can be guaranteed. Typically, if a worker does what he is told, abides by the rules and is accountable to his position, he can expect a steady salary and benefits. Everything runs up through the chain-of-command so that there is a level of individual equality within the structure because it is a team-based environment, but with no doubt about who happens to be in charge. First, it entails structuring an organization into a hierarchy. Retrieved from The military is a very formal institution that prefers to follow the rules for conducting business. The bureaucratic processes may benefit your company, especially if one operates in an industry that benefits from its characteristics. Bureaucratic structure is assumed to contr ibute t o unity a nd coordination, precision and speed, predictabilit y, obedience, loyalty, impartiality, r educ t ion of costs, institutionalized . 3. These features tend to get a lot of criticism, but there are plenty of advantages to bureaucracy, especially when the structure is built with an emphasis on equality. Bureaucratic leadership works in so many ways0, A bureaucratic structure also has some downsides as well such as-. This line represents bureaucratic leadership at its core. Her experience extends to both corporate and freelance; she's a former Senior Editor at the B2B publication Accounting Today, writing about public accounting firms with a specialization in diversity, technology, best practices, and business development. It provides trained minds for achieving higher degree of excellence in all branches of shop management. (4) Decision making on rational and objective . There are reasons why work is completed in one specific way for many organizations. Cons. It creates rules and regulations which make it possible for multiple people to complete the same work in the same way. Max Weber Bureaucracy Theory: Advantages and Disadvantages. theory, bureaucratic management theory, or the bureaucratic theory of management [10].

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