bbsrc discovery fellowship success rate

Applicants that have been included on applications as a researcher co-investigator are eligible to apply, provided they still meet all eligibility criteria. Please contact with any queries about the suitability of your application before applying. Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkins Fellows who meet the research experience eligibility requirement may also apply. We recommend you start your application early. The faculty will provide the following support: Before submitting to the faculty selection process, candidates are required to seek the support of the department or research cluster where they would like to undertake the fellowship. International Plant Biotechnology Outreach (IPBO) The Open Doors Fellowship Program (ODFP) is now open for women researchers in Africa, a holistic p Applications should be prepared and submitted by the lead research organisation but should be co-created with input from all investigators, and project partners, and should represent the proposed work of the entire consortia. If facility access is being requested specifically for the Earlham Institute, the supercomputing ARCHER2 facility at University of Edinburgh, or the UK 850MHz Solid State NMR Facility at the University of Warwick, a Technical Assessment Form (TAF) is required and should be uploaded as a PDF file. You must also include the following details: We encourage you to follow the principles of The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and the Technician Commitment. 6th April 2021. BBSRC must receive your application by 25 May 2023 at 4:00pm UK time. career development plan: this must be attached to your proposal as type workplan to allow submission. In addition, you should not have been offered such an appointment before taking up a Discovery Fellowship. Read more about the Global Talent route in the guidance on how to get funding and visas to do research in the UK. Natural Environment Research Council independent research fellowships. By using this system you indicate that you accept the terms of use. BBSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. Download and complete the full economic costings template (DOCX, 66KB) and then upload it as explained. Video credit: BBSRC All fellowships must commence by 1 July 2023 at the latest following notification of an award. RELATED TOPICS. Dr Nichola Hawkins, currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in plant pathology at NIAB, has been awarded a BBSRC Discovery Fellowship, a highly competitive award which funds an independent research project for three years. Please see the fellowship handbook (PDF, 333KB) for further details on eligibility criteria. You must show high potential to become future research leaders. BBSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. For more information please see the Je-S help text document (PDF, 685KB). You must also upload the following documents as part of your application: Please see the Discovery Fellowships Je-S guidance (PDF, 363KB)for further details. Additional questions on the use of rodents overseas (DOCX, 49KB), Additional questions on the use of rabbits overseas (DOCX, 49KB), Additional questions on the use of sheep overseas (DOCX, 51KB), Additional questions on the use of goats overseas (DOCX, 47KB), Additional questions on the use of pigs overseas (DOCX, 51KB), Additional questions on the use of cattle overseas (DOCX, 57KB), Additional questions on the use of Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis overseas (DOCX, 57KB). an academic position at lecturer level (or the equivalent in an institution other than a university). For proposals with overseas animal use, please refer to the BBSRC research grants guide for details of the additional information for specific species that must be provided with the proposal. Theyll check it and return it to you if it needs editing. What will you need to deliver your proposed work and how much will it cost? This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. For more information, including how to exercise your rights, read our privacy notice. Assessors are not obliged to access the information they lead to or consider it in their assessment of your application. Also, letters of support from all parties contributing financial or other support should be uploaded to the proposal under the Letter of Support attachment type giving full and accurate details of the commitments to be made. Does your proposed research involve the use of vertebrate animals or other organisms covered by the Animals Scientific Procedures Act? If youre answering yes, provide the name of any required approving body and whether approval is already in place. You cannot apply for this funding opportunity on the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system. We 716 found this rate to be at least 99.4% across technical replicates (Additional File 1: Table S1), 717 increasing confidence in our data. Your project must be within BBSRCs remit. BBSRC and Discovery Fellowships uphold this commitment. As a result, you are not eligible to apply. You should be able to demonstrate appropriate and relevant research or innovation experience. You should be able to demonstrate appropriate and relevant research or innovation experience. There is therefore no expectation for you to move to a new institution provided the choice of institution is justified. BBSRC welcomes applications from candidates who wish to work on a part-time or flexible basis to combine their responsibilities with a career. Your fellowship will last 3 years. an academic position at lecturer level (or the equivalent in an institution other than a university). Read the scheme notes for full value of award information. Please contact for further details. Discovery Fellowships Discovery Fellowships (previously BBSRC Future Leaders Fellowships) support researchers who have demonstrated great potential to become future leaders. Only they can do this. Provide a data management plan which should clearly detail how you will comply with BBSRCs published data sharing policy. As a result, you are not eligible to apply. You may only submit 1 application for a BBSRC Discovery Fellowship each year. On-screen captions and an autogenerated transcript are available on YouTube. Three University of Exeter researchers have been awarded prestigious Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Discovery Fellowships. The reviewers and committee are looking for evidence that the host organisation will contribute significant financial support, in-kind support, or both, if an award is made. Will your research require personal information about human participants to be used? In addition to this investment, it is also expected that a substantial demonstration of support for the fellow be made by the host research organisation (see value for money). Through our Discovery Fellowships, BBSRC will invest in researchers who are seeking to conduct their own independent research within a host laboratory. Your project must be within BBSRC's remit. As such, the research proposal should be sound and of a novelty and timeliness that will add to the understanding of the research area. We aim to respond within 10 working days. These relate to eligibility criteria and the CV template. We welcome proposals from applicants of all nationalities, subject to the fellowship being hosted by: All successful applicants who require a visa to work in the UK are eligible to be considered under the Global Talent visa route. All questions relevant to the proposal must be addressed within the Je-S application form and, where appropriate, the case for support and justification for resources attachments. Has the applicant demonstrated how the work they are proposing: Has the applicant demonstrated that they have designed their approach so that it: Has the applicant demonstrated how the resources they anticipate needing for their proposed work: Has the applicant identified and evaluated the relevant ethical or responsible research and innovation considerations, and how they will be managed. There is no limit on the number of years of postdoc experience. waxcenter zenoti login; heide licorice buttons; Then, justify the number and the diversity of the participants involved, as well as any procedures. Sign up for news, views, events and funding alerts. This scheme supports excellent investigator-led research across the breadth of our scientific remit. Your project must be within BBSRC's remit. Support for your proposed research should be costed in line with the BBSRC research grants guide. Further guidance regarding changes to the Je-S application form will follow in due course. BBSRC Discovery Fellowships are offered to up to 15 researchers each year with projects encouraged to fit BBSRC's strategic priorities. Email: The grant of any visa is always subject to the standard Home Office general grounds for refusal of a visa. If you need to complete more than 1 checklist, you should merge them into a single document and then save it as a PDF before uploading it. BBSRC awards the fellowships to early-career researchers with the "potential to become a future research leader". Your project must be within the remit of BBSRC. Completion of the impact summary section of the Je-S application form is also not required. You should justify the use of human tissue or biological samples specifying the nature and quantity of the material to be used and its source. Provide details of any areas of substantial or moderate severity of impact. Apply for a fellowship to carry out independent research within a host laboratory and gain leadership skills. Applicants whose proposed programme of research involves the use of pigs should refer to the NC3Rs standardised questions on the use of pigs. We encourage projects that fit BBSRCs strategic priorities: If you are unsure whether your project is within BBSRC remit, please contact the office ( In plain English, provide a summary that can be sent to potential reviewers to determine if your proposal is within their field of expertise. This will open the Sign inpage of UKRIs Funding Service. Our three new discovery research schemes enable researchers to do bold and creative discovery research that has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing. To hear more about the role of administrators, and the current functionality of the new funding service and how it will further develop, please see a recording of the most recentresearch office webinar. Only fully completed applications will be considered. This enables institution checks to be carried out before final submission to BBSRC. BBSRC fellowships Discovery Fellowships (previously Future Leader Fellowship) Future Leaders Fellowship Returners to Research Fellowships (Daphne Jackson Fellowship) EPSRC fellowships EPSRC fellowships EPSRC Doctoral Prize fellowships 2021 / 22 Leverhulme fellowships Early Career Fellowships Philip Leverhulme Prizes Royal Academy fellowships The BBSRC Discovery Fellowship scheme is highly competitive with around a 10% success rate. Models, Biological Gene Expression Profiling Protein Interaction Mapping Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis Drug Discovery Models, Theoretical Individualized Medicine Models, Genetic Reproducibility of Results Models, Statistical High-Throughput Screening Assays Stochastic Processes Cluster Analysis Bayes Theorem Mass . This allows for maximisation of the impact of our research and innovation to involve and benefit all parts of society. Ensure your application is a self-contained description. They must show high potential to become future research leaders. You should also ensure all named applicants in the UK and overseas are aware of this requirement and provide a statement below to confirm that: Overseas studies proposing to use non-human primates, cats, dogs, equines or pigs, will be assessed duringNC3Rs reviewof research proposals. Awarded fellows will be required to commence their fellowship on, or near to, the start date stipulated in their proposal, so you must ensure that you are able to do so. Sign up for news, views, events and funding alerts. Within the list of references, URL links to relevant publications or online resources are allowed if they do not extend the case for support. The full economic cost of projects can be up to 500,000 and last for three years. We will hold a webinar on 14 March 2023. If you need to tell us something you wish to remain confidential, please enter the words email sent in the text box. However, absorbance . Allow enough time for your organisations submission process. For proposals with overseas animal use, please refer to our grants guide, paragraph 4.18, for details of the additional information for specific species that must be provided with the proposal. This enables institution checks to be carried out before final submission to BBSRC. If you do not have any project partners, simply add N/A into the text box, mark this section as complete and move to the next section. If you are proposing to conduct overseas research, it must be conducted in accordance with welfare standards consistent with those in the UK, as per Responsibility in the Use of Animals in Bioscience Research, on page 14. BBSRC awards the fellowships to. You must show that you have the potential to become a future research leader. Your host organisation will also be able to provide advice and guidance. If that is the case in this application, please provide the following information: Please provide any goods and services quotations. Holders of postdoctoral training fellowships such as the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions can apply. This applies to both fixed-term and permanent positions, and includes positions held at overseas institutions. Applicants must show they have the potential to become a future research leader. Your project must be within BBSRC's remit. We will provide panel feedback to all applicants by email. Identify the genetic and biological risks resulting from the proposed research, their implications and any mitigation you plan on taking. You must provide strong evidence of working towards this goal, demonstrating an upward trajectory to pursuing independent work within a host organisation. University Research Fellows have the opportunity to access a range of training . Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellows and Daphne Jackson Trust Fellows who meet all eligibility requirements may also apply. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. If your application includes international applicants, project partners or collaborators, visit Trusted Research for more information on effective international collaboration. How will this fellowship develop you and your career? This scheme is aimed at early career researchers who want to conduct their own independent research within a host laboratory. Where you do not provide adequate justification for a resource, we may deduct it from any funding awarded. Carefully read the FAQs and the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships guidelines before applying. Portfolio Analyser This system provides facilities to investigate current and completed research grants, institute projects, fellowships, studentships and training grants which are funded by BBSRC. We encourage projects that fit BBSRCs strategic priorities: If you are unsure whether your project is within BBSRCs remit, please contact Three University of Exeter researchers have been awarded prestigious Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Discovery Fellowships. We expect host organisations to provide additional commitments to our fellows. which includes tips for success from BBSRC Fellowships team staff and a DPF awardee at UCL. Then, download and complete the animal research question template (DOCX, 52KB), which contains all the questions relating to research using vertebrate animals or other Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 regulated organisms. For audit purposes, UKRI requires formal collaboration agreements to be put in place if an award is made. Proposals from candidates seeking flexible working arrangements (for example part-time) are encouraged; see the Fellowships handbook (PDF, 333KB) for further information. BBSRC encourages applications from all individuals who meet the eligibility criteria outlined below from all backgrounds regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodiversity, disability, or socioeconomic background. Include any IPR if appropriate. This replaces the previous Tier 1 (exceptional talent) route. The grant of any visa is always subject to the standard Home Office general grounds for refusal of a visa. Dr Chris Morgan and Dr Claudio Greco have been awarded three-year BBSRC Discovery Fellowships to take forward their innovative work at the John Innes Centre. To reflect these commitments, proposals require a template to be completed by the host organisations head of department. 2023 Discovery Fellowships terms of award (PDF, 518KB). In addition, the justification of resources attachment must clearly show why the resources requested are good value for money and why it is in BBSRCs interests to provide investment. Applicants should ensure that the proposed start date is realistic, taking account of the period required for the office to process the proposal. an equivalent competitive fellowship that allows you to establish an independent research group, and therefore independent researcher status. Holders of postdoctoral training fellowships such as the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions can apply. Fellowships are awarded under full economic cost (fEC). Applications are particularly encouraged that are aligned with BBSRC's overarching strategic priorities. In line with the highly prestigious nature of the award, this visa route is designed for international researchers who bring new ideas and perspectives, enriching the UKs research and innovation workforce. This should be provided by the proposed head of department (in discussion with the applicant) on behalf of the host department and organisation and uploaded as a PDF file. The full economic cost of your project can be up to 500,000. a fellowship supplement of 2,500 a year, for your personal support laboratory chemicals and materials (eg reagents, isotopes, peptides, enzymes, antibodies, gases, proteins, cell/tissue/bacterial culture, plasticware and glassware) associated charges for shipping, delivery and freight It is expected at a minimum that hosts should provide support in terms of access to facilities, training courses and support for career development. Examples of these fellowships include, but are not limited to: If you have previously applied for BBSRC grant funding as a principal investigator or co-investigator, you are also not eligible to apply. This is a 2-minute process requiring you to verify your email address and set a password. As a result, applicants are thereforenot eligible to apply. the research environment in which your fellowship will be held. If you hold a fellowship where you are eligible to supervise PhD students or submit research grants as a principal investigator, we consider that equivalent to a lectureship. Contribution to research expenses of 90,000 per annum. Awarded fellows will be required to commence their fellowship on, or near to, the start date stipulated in their proposal, therefore applicants must ensure that they are in a position to do so. On 5 May 2020 , Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation, have delivered an online seminar to the University of Edinburgh on the Council's translational funding and awards. Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkins Fellows who meet the research experience eligibility requirement outlined above may also apply. Once complete, use the service to send your application to your research office for review. If an application is createdby a member ofan organisationwherewe do not currently have contact details with their research office, we will contact them to enable administrator access. Please contact for further details. This will provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions. BBSRC recognises that not all applications to the Discovery Fellowships will have a patent or other IPR. All applicants carrying out research involving the use of pigs, whether overseas or within the UK, are required to address the NC3Rs standardised pig questionswithin the body of the application. For help on costings and writing your application, contact your research office. This could be through: For the 2023 call, the Faculty of Science will support upto six candidates to submit a full application to theBBSRC. Applicants should have a PhD or be expecting to have undergone successful PhD viva prior to 30 November 2021. Costings should be justified on the basis offull economic costs (FEC)of the project, not just on the costs expected from UKRI. Please also refer to the full UKRI terms and conditions, our grants guide and fellowship handbook. In previous rounds, host organisations have offered significant additional financial support, items of equipment or access to additional staff members or students to our fellows. If you are currently studying for a PhD, you are only eligible if you are expecting to have passed your PhD viva before 30 November 2023.

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