marriage astrology tumblr

Eucharis can not leave Calypso so the two find their love interrupted by their duty. so you too may be someone who speaks with your eyes and your body. you may become more like your past than you had wished - the family member(s) you always thought you were so different from may now seem rather familiar. as for 2h: banks, via your mothers siblings, could be at your public enemys funeral:), via your grandfather, through nephews and nieces, through step siblings, etc. He was a painter, engineer, sculptor, and so much more! they may lack intuition or have an intuition that others do not believe in. practice patience; people will always be at your throat with this retrograde, just breathe and smile all the while calling them an asshole in your head :). If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. attracted adoration. they may not have a solid definition of pure or have a skewed opinion of pure, holding everyone to a high standard of pure or none at all. virgo (6, 18): medusa was athenas loyal servant and was committed entirely to her worship. The meaning of the word marriage has taken multiple directions off late. Then, find where it saysAdd New Person underPartner as shown below: Then enter in the birth information of Person B. He is Alices spiritual guide through Wonderland, who constantly grins in this lackadaisical manner because he has nothing to lose. where einstein is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 16 - lol yes, this is conjunct educatio and yes, everyone in college comes to me when they need help. During his many years before beginning this War he assembled mercenaries from Spain, North Africa, and Gaul - his naval fleet became a great armada. You can find the composite chart for two people by going to > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Create an account or enter as a guest, and follow instructions to enter Person As birth information. my advice for surviving this retrograde: write down your thoughts and analyze during this retrograde, if its natal, OR after the retrograde ends, if its transit based. This may make the individuals focused more on looking strong than working on the fundamentals of the relationships. i dont get to you quicker with an ask - i actually get to you slower. It appears extremely paradoxical as though its a small police box on the outside but in reality its a big sci-fi space and time machine on the inside. Hey guys so my job has been cutting hours a lot and I need to be able to pay my bills. you may feel complete or like you are understood when in a religious institution because everyone shares similar values. medusa-sun: you may feel safest in a leadership role, around your father/a masculine figures, and/or expressing yourself, but these situations may cause you danger. in philosophical states, their views may be more conservative wanting the harshest justice to be served. cancer (4, 16, 28): your presence is rather alluring: it is calm, cool, and collected though underneath all that you experience medusas transformed state and her feelings of being inadequate and insecure. fertility is a problem for more people than you think but we are blessed to live in a world where there are options: adoption, fostering, surrogacy, IVF, etc. Aspects is a very important component in synastry. Youre being called to reassess how you view the world around you and how you view yourself and put yourself out to be seen. where michelangelo is for me and how it affects me personally: 7h in libra at 25 - i hope my future hubby is built like David :p but no seriously that libra placement takes precedent for my artistic eye. you know whos good at that? cancer - moon. Major life decisions are being brought up, a mirror is being held at your face and youre facing the dreams you have set for yourself or the lies youve deluded in. ALRIGHT! if it is for a series request, just ask for a part _! also you may have strife with your higher-up because this house rules over bosses - they dont have to be a masculine because athena and medusa had a strained relationship post-transformation. you likely dont realize that your greatest strength is your empathy for others. what I am about to list out does not mean you will for sure need these exact things (or all of these things) to find your person. NOW IM GONNA CRUSH THOSE STELLIUMS WITH 12H CHIRON (22) AND PLUTO (13) - FUCK YOU CHILDHOOD TRAUMA (pt2). for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of hannibal AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede hannibal! take a leap of faith. they may not feel like they are capable of standing up to others. they may not be devoted to others after the others do something extremely kind to them. Under such aspects, not only are political systems ready for overhaul. positive aspects: you may have a lot of sex appeal without even trying. i dont like not knowing if a person is there to stay or not (it completely contradicts my aphrodite-uranus aspect, juno in aquarius, and even my sagittarius venus - astrology is very complex i dont discount the other placements and their possible meanings but for me this asteroid and its story makes complete sense). they could be maximalists or minimalists have no in between. First, because we are in the relationship, it is difficult for us to view it from a 3rd party like the composite chart does. where constantia is for me and how it affects me personally: 7h in virgo at 29 - give me loyalty or give me death (constantia conjunct mars - courtesy of my abandonment issues). they fell or have some type of foot problem now. so you too may be in a group that is women-only or worship related. To predict future life partner name, Nakshatras play very significant role. medusa-algol: positive aspects: you may feel as though someone you dont know shows you a sign of mercy from the universe. or everyone else? choose your joy first. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. if it is something illegal (*group* related) and you find you cant just leave please reach out, other resources exist in the system. People with Pluto in the 12th may dread or even fear going to the hospital. you may have a very specific set of values. Youre called to be the voice of reason, to reassess your communication style and bring truth of revolution so speak and let your voice be heard no matter how discouraging it can be. AFFIRMATIONS (you are kind, you are beautiful, you have lovely hair, etc.). you could get a lot of attention online for being pretty but also a lot of hate that comes seemingly out of nowhere or seems to come when you are at your lowest point. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of this asteroid feel free to comment them or dm me! power structures will always exist try to evaluate the good and the bad of the one you exist in. the keyword is appears - during a retrograde or having natal retrogrades means that your perception in the area said planet or asteroid is located is altered in comparison to how it would be normally or in comparison to others. 9th house/lord- significator of second marriage in astrology. The Marriage Calculator analyzes different aspects of your birth chart, studying the influences of different planetary positions that dictate the possibility of marriage, the timing of your marriage and the nature of marriage and married life. please let me know if you all enjoyed this - i could do a part two some other time! ALSO that it is the right birthday year - my bestfriend cass here has a birthday in september, so if she is curious about the year ahead 2022 is perfect BUT if she wants to reflect on the current solar return she has to change the start date year to 2021): ALWAYS ASK A QUESTION WHEN YOU SEND A CHART! The expression eureka originates in Greece as the term heurka meaning I have found it. Now the word is a popular expression used when someone is overjoyed with their discovery. you may find that when others cry its like rain, but for you, its like you pour. think sugar daddy. usually i post one myth and one random ask thats not a myth. Your birth date and timing is also very important to find a good match . some example questions: what does this stellium mean in my aphrodite persona chart?, what does harmonia square my friends (always let me know the relationship to the person) aphrodite mean?, can you help me understand the aspects in my natal chart to my harmonia asteroid?, i have a lot of uranus aspects in my solar return this year - what do they mean?, 8h pluto for my solar return is giving me the creeps, do i have to be worried? ask questions are let out once or twice a day. never try to lower your standards just to fit in and reach a milestone. Physically, watch for problems with the kidneys and urinary system. JUPITER: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four months. they carry the bulk of all burdens without realizing that they have become someones personal mule. me. im not gonna lie to you dating sucks people are weird. you *might* experience a rape in which you find yourself with a child. 12:07 pm. Suppose the 7th house Lord is in a dual sign, then the second marriage may occur.It must be understood that Dasha-Antardasha should support the second marriage astrology. you may not speak up for yourself all that often - she didnt even try to explain what happened with poseidon to athena. hiii, what are the indicators of meeting the person you will marry on the solar return chart?. DNA is inherited from your ancestors and provides the framework for your health. and that is being a human. PLUTO: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around five to six months. Each aspect is worth 1 point. you may find that you nearly escape most terrible things that happen to you but nearly isnt an escape. mercury-saturn and/or jupiter-saturn; its giving til death do we part vibes also saturn is fidelity so these two aspects are good indicators that the proposal with be that of long-term commitment. orpheus (3361) - eurydike (75); in all the charts i looked at of married couples they have a positive aspect between these two asteroids the year they were proposed to. the sooner you report it, the more likely that justice can be served. the same projection and reaction circumstances/interactions may occur in your life. i implore you to read the venus aspects to see what resonates! negative aspects: you may experience a physical change that takes a toll on your social life and mental health. The energy of a composite affect the individuals in the relationship and draw from their energies, but the composite chart doesnt focus on the individuals, unlike synastry charts, which show us how different energies within the individuals interact with each other. IN MY OPINION TARDIS in your chart can show a) where you have incredible tools at your disposal, b) where your opportunity to go anywhere lies, and/or c) where you may have a paradox in your life. Your 7th house, its Lord, Nakshatra Lord of 7th house, its Pada help in prediction of future life partner. if you are using substances please do so in a safe environment or write down what, when, and where from you are taking this substance on an appendage (this is not me saying that you should, this is me stating be safe if you do - if you believe you may have a problem, reach out and seek advice from others who you feel will not judge you, it may be an outsider and that is okay - i too am here, you are never alone if you need guidance when seeking help). you could be seen as glamorous by onlookers. and please never ask about aspects to asteroids i have not posted about (its not fair to others that i provide you with information while they know nothing about the myth NOR is it fair for you to not know what my opinion is on the myth OR the myth period). Make sure that the decisions youre making reflect how you truly want the rest of your relationships to be and how you truly want them to serve you in a greater purpose through out your life. you may be rather introverted and find yourself doing very little socializing. Aquarius is bringing new to whats old, Saturn is authority and government, more radical and socialistic ideals are being held to higher esteem by more people as times grow harsher. show up somewhere late for the early bird and show up somewhere early for the late comer. Physically, watch for issues with the heart and spine. i feel like i naturally repel religious people, people in a college setting, or even when i am out in the world on my own traveling. This eighth house dynamic is triggering for both SelGo and Hailey for very different reasons. pisces (12, 24): you may be rather clueless as to what is going on in the world around you. Sometimes, the house location of Venus or Jupiter can work. Posted on: 6 November, 2019 with 2934 Notes. where lucubratio is for me and how it affects me personally: 6h in virgo at 5 - i definitely would work through a night to be on track with something whether it is to unpack a whole house, write a paper, or whatever goal i have set - i would do it. IN MY OPINION Eureka in a chart represents a) where you make life altering discoveries and/or b) where others may discover you are the satisfactory answer/solution to their problem. this program could be to bring awareness to a cause (could be about religion or sexual abuse). medusa-mars: you may feel safest surrounded by masculine energy, at social events, in romance, competitive environments (ex: simone biles has a medusa bi-quintile mars), independent atmospheres, and/or in leadership roles, but these situations may case you danger. someones gotta acknowledge it, right? she won the congregation over with her thoughts and ideas of worship then drew people in based on her looks. the asteroids namesake was also very knowledgeable regarding worship - so it is likely you have a deep knowledge of the area in which you commit. its hard for them to turn strong emotion into a passion. you may find you isolate yourself from others in tumultuous times. SATURN: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four to five months. Marriage is a long-term relationship between two opposite-sex individuals. Scorpio (Saturn in the 4th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons through your home life, personal property, family, maternal connection, stability, and privacy. there is likely nasty gossip surrounding your intentions - athena thought medusa was distracting people intentionally and that she lured poseidon into the temple to have sex with him as well. generate both charts from there.-> go to my vedic astrology master list and find out how to read north indian vedic chart if you want to know about your future spouse traits. you exist on your own timeline, there is no pressuring you into anything, if someone is truly are your friend they wont and shouldnt be pressuring you. i have a blood mutation that causes my blood to clot (yes blood is marss territory but my clotting disorder could transfer a clot formed in my arm to my heart or my leg to my brain) when there is no need to - it could be hot out, i could have no cuts or scraps, i dont need to bump into anything and BAM a bruise, a hematoma, a blood clot. Embed a Tumblr Post. you may find yourself being punished for the wrongdoings of this person. they are likely always early or always late. you may be emotionally in tune with everything around you. 2nd house/lord- longevity of spouse, family life. i implore you to read the mercury aspects to see what resonates! they may have an issue with profanity as well; it could be the mouth of sailors and truckers OR someone who doesnt ever say curse words at all and gawks at those that say them. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of eucharis AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede eucharis! Physically, watch for problems with the throat and endocrine system. This transit can also indicate a life long commitment, a merging of finances in a marriage or long term commitments is not easy work, but hard work doesnt go unnoticed so connect and collaborate. You may experience trouble with your mother or father, or experience a loss of someone whom you deemed like a parent and helped you through your private troubles. lol my persona chart for this asteroid has a 8h stellium and a 6h moon at 29 a health discovery that changes my life - sounds about right? medusa used her logic to escape poseidon on the beach and she logistically explained to others how they could better worship athena. hear me out - persona charts. dont worry, i dont like needles either THATS WHY I DONT LOOK WHEN I PUT THEM IN AND I WAS BRUH STOP IT. on the flip side, it is okay to leave those who you feel dont make you a better person, who harm you, or alienate you! we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault. you guys can (couldve) fix (fixed) things if they stay, you guys cant fix things if they arent there. take advantage of resources like therapy to help cope and also downtime. and if they start talking back to you - tell them my feelings are valid. This is the classic marriage indicator simply because it is what marriage is all about. you may be doing nothing wrong yet everyone is sensitive to your actions, if not, simply your presence. pluto-asc or pluto-mc; this is a good thing, you want to see a change in your appearance/status in society. In 1963, NASA selected Buzz Aldrin to be in the third group of astronauts. Dostoevsky likely wrote the first existential piece of literature. For example, my sun is 3 in Virgo, and my boyfriends sun is 8 in Aries. i implore you to read the neptune and jupiter aspects to see what resonates! monitor symptoms after injuries and tell others about your allergies! IN MY OPINION Cancelli shows a) how people care for you when you are sick or when you are near death and/or b) who the best person is to take care of you when sick. RETROGRADEMAKES ALL OF THESE THINGS LISTED BELOW SUPER STRESSFUL OR SLOW TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIFE !!! IN MY OPINION Dostoevsky in your chart articulates a) where and how you may express your political and religious views, b) where you are an existentialist (when someone views most everything as subjective), and/or c) where you are considered ahead of your time or seen as mad because your intelligence is too out of this world. lucky you are rather attuned to your environment and have the ability to adjust accordingly. Named after the goddess of marriage and protector of women, this asteroid's placement in your birth chart explains what you look for in a partner, aka what makes you want to commit for the long. Becoming a responsible financial figure can feel like a burden at times, having to scrape and be frugal is essential. let me know if youd like me to go over any of the asteroid gods/goddesses i have already covered, in terms of their retrograde, so i know that youre interested in a part 2! Physically, watch for problems with your teeth, knees, and the skeletal system. But this was before I knew indicators that astrology isnt set in stone. This transit heightens if its crossing your Ascendant (AC) point as well. perhaps. For example, if many of the asteroids listed under fame are strong or powerful (i.e. my advice for surviving this retrograde: avoid social media. after your death, you may be revived in other peoples memory in a more positive light. you likely are a bit too stuck in your mind to focus on the body language around you. if you dont understand my thought process feel free to comment with questions! so ill be honest with you all, im a walking health hazard. Cancelli is an advocate for those who undergo this care and often speaks at conferences about death and end of life care. i encourage you to look into the aspects of hannibal along with the sign, degree, and house placement. my advice for surviving this retrograde: daily check-ins. Many thanks for your help!! please dont send me back to back asks - i will personally space them out if i must. The 'Sun/Moon' midpoint is a degree thatwhen activated by transit or progressionsuggests major changes in the relationship. you may also live a very simple life, in which you do not overindulge in food, substances, or other monetarily inclined things. You may experience a harder time grasping what philosophies and ideals you want to commit to, whether its learning that in university or during a spiritual breakthrough. this is likely to cause a lot of frustration with themselves due to a hatred of being limited. thus nearly everyone around the world feels the same way. you likely have a hyper-specific passion that drives your world. These couples are attracted to each other instantly. there could be struggles with independence or leadership (i feel like pissing competitions are most common in mars retrogrades). medusa was viewed as emotionally remote until poseidon happened, then she was constantly emoting. you are likely very religiously devoted. negative aspects: your beauty may attract a bad kind of attention that cause you a lot of fear, anxiety, and/or trauma. i get that the word system may be daunting but its better to get out alive or with a minimal sentence and a say in your sentence than to be stuck and face a longer trial and sentence. naives may feel as though they lack freedom or have too much of it and feel rather alone and that no one cares for them in this world. i know that the common observation is that the ruler of the 7h is located where you will met. 7h: i feel as though, for this asteroid, this house is not about marriage. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next or if youd like to see another solar return indicator edition! i do feel like they physically do something for me as well. tzi is suspected to have eaten two hours before this death, to have been some sort of shepherd, and to have had a parasitic infection. There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely, find yourself truly within. positive aspects: you may have daydreamed a lot about your ideal life when you were younger, only to find yourself living that life later in life. BUT i do tend to make overly critical assumptions that may be due to the virgo degree. * Jupiter in the 7th thats a lot, right? you may have really nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. i implore you to read the saturn aspects to see what resonates! This is a harder time to conceive a child if you are trying, a long process of adoption or surrogacy, difficulty with fertility, or distance between you and a partner are common.

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