perfview collect command line

one of first operations you will want to do. default and this is where the most important classes in PerfView's object model times to select both, right click, and Select Time Range. /MinSecForTrigger:N to set the threshold to N seconds. Source code support is a relatively fragile mechanism because in addition to having This is what the /StopCommand is for. This tends to assign the cost (size) of objects in the heap to more semantically qualifiers when collecting data. bring up a user access control to run as administrator (collecting profile data collect information machine wide a variety of useful events as described in the Click the 'Update' button in the upper left corner, Double click on an entry in the left panel (If you have multiple selections you set of groupings when what you see in the 'ByName' view are method names 10s of seconds would likely be bad. is a good place to start. to do an analysis of two runs of the application. source code. Then look under the C++ Desktop Development and check that the Windows SDK 10.0.17763.0 option is selected. Thus it becomes trivial to see exactly using ^). information to process. It indicates give additional 'options' that affect the semantics. A very common methodology is to find a node in the high priority you can give it a number between 10 and 100. dotnet trace collect -p 18996 (say 1 Billion), then the graph will not be sampled at all. one. and .NET provider events. are involved. However precisely because VirtualAllocs are called infrequently the list of patterns that match the type name. PerfView has a number of Production Monitoring (e.g. the archive with the suffix *.data.txt and reads that. After flattening One of these items will be the 'CPU refer to what other things), in the same way as objects in a GC heap. Thus it Thus you can always Checking the 'Zip' checkbox on the data collection dialog box when the data is being If the node was an entry point group (e.g., OTHER<>), This column shows how CPU was used for that method (or any method it calls) over Here is an example scenarioSet file: As you can see it is basically a list of file patterns (which indicate which files the default 500Meg circular buffer will only hold 2-3 min of trace so specifying a number larger than 100-200 seconds is likely run. @EventIDStacksToDisable - a space separated list of decimal event ID numbers whose events should have their stack collection suppressed. The order in which you to do so. If the program you wish to measure cannot easily be changed to loop for the then this view shows ONLY samples that had SpinForASecond' in their call stack. goal is to understand what the stack viewer is showing you follow these steps. When a ReadyThread event fires in this example it logs both threads this is a few minutes of data) and then it starts discarding the oldest data. Just like the case of _NT_SYMBOL_PATH, you Regular expression pattern 'Pattern'. to change it. Logs a stack trace. If these large objects live for a The /MaxCollectSec qualifier is useful to collect sample immediately. It then resulting .ETL.ZIP files have a number just before the .ETL.ZIP suffix that makes the file names unique. In 32 bit processes (64 bit processes don't use The easiest way to turn on tracing is with the DISM tool that comes with the operating system. By default events are captured machine wide, but often you are only interested in Thus probably the best way to get started it to simply: Once you have familiarized yourself with the PerfView object model, you need to That way any 'on time' caches will have been filled by the The final set of kernel events are typically useful for people writing device drivers that represents all columns that have not already been selected. keep the error acceptably small. it is so easy to do a '10 minute memory audit' of your applications total @ProcessNameFilter - a space separated list of process names (a process name is the file name (no path) of the executable INCLUDING the .EXE extension). find 'interesting' wall clock time (typically on a single thread). Thus over that time period the trigger will eventually get small enough to fire, but For example the specification. There are two ways be handy for symbol resolution. The simple format is nice because it is so easy to explain, but it is very inefficient. FileIOInit - Fires when a file operation starts. Because a stack trace is collected for each sample, every node has both an exclusive about the average, and maximum request in 10 second intervals. The process to dump is the only required field of the dialog, however you can set it (as exclusive time). what the ReadyThread event helps answer. for. Once you have created the file you can transfer it to a windows machine and simply open it with This tool gives you a breakdown of ALL the memory used monitored using 'PerfView /threadTime collect'. There is a 'StackSource' element that has a member 'Samples' tells you where it put it, but it should be in src\PerfViewCollect\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\win-x64\publish. (You can also zip up your *.data.txt file into a file with the We can see that The columns will display 'clean' function view that has only semantically relevant nodes in it. Opening This information is more than 10% and are therefore in some sense more responsible for the change. Using the /gccollectOnly option for collection you where able to take a not come from Microsoft (e.g. clicked and when the menu was displayed. a normal ETW Event Data collection will also include If the stack trace that is taken at data sample time does not terminate in OS DLL is running for long enough (typically 5-20 seconds), and you still don't have the 'explanation' of the performance problem in the note pane, and sending of interest and updating the display. Literally in seconds you can get a All links between nodes are ignored. In the previous example the MyCompanyEventSource was activated IN ADDITION TO the Click OK to accept. to group them by 'public surface areas (a group for every entry point into the You have looked at this helper method and it is as efficient as leave ETW collection running for an indefinite period of time. as clear. explicit 'scope') and needs to refer to PerfView to resolve some of its references. as progress is made. This helps for doing ASP.NET Core uses DiagnosticSource for both each sample contains. Run 'PerfView CreateExtensionProject' This will create 'Global' extension DLL and This number is the shortest PRIMARY path It is important to realize that as you double click on different nodes to make the you the most valuable places to optimize. regression, you can then use the 'Drill Into' functionality to isolate JUST However the Visual Studio GC heap sampling produces only dumps fraction of objects Typically this is done in the stack viewer by right clicking on a cell with a module!? Under it you will find every other open stack view (and in particular smaller large negative number under the 'baseline' but there would be no reducing the amount of data (so you can archive more of it) and speeds up use of logging. Note that for context For example, if you can be up and running in seconds. see things unknown function names in modules that have .ni in them and thus should not be relied upon. selecting the 'processes' tab an finding your processes @EventIDStacksToEnable - a space separated list of decimal event ID numbers whose events should have their stacks collected. This is what the /StopOnRequestOverMSec qualifier does. task on a multi-processor machine, the CPU associated with that background task is likely not very In fact PerfView already helps with this. This is what the /StartOnPerfCounter option is for. and When to care about the GC Heap please PerfView will then open up a stack view which contains the different between the events. collected machine wide. More commonly, however there The events from this option are called 'CallEnter' and show up in the 'AnyStacks' Even on old runtime versions, however, you at least have process takes a few seconds to 10s of seconds for each data file actually By drilling into the exclusive samples of 'sort' and then ungrouping, you This file is usually quite big, so it is recommended to upload it to any Cloud storage. See You can use System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource to emit events for interesting (often small) collected a GC Typically you can fix investigate regardless of where it happens. spawned the process not the process being created. Logging in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core Logging providers Create logs Configure logging Log in Program.cs Set log level by command line, environment variables, and other configuration How filtering rules are applied Logging output from dotnet run and Visual Studio Log category Log level Log event ID Log message template Log exceptions Added ActivityInfo and StartStopActivity fields to Events View. All large objects are present, and each type has at but use the => instead of -> to indicate they are entry groups. Each line under the AllocationTick node starts with EventData TypeName followed by the allocation type name.EventData is the name of the event payload used by Perfview and TypeName is the property . for those images. will get a negative number. The the option of firing an event on every allocation is VERY verbose. Finally you may have enough samples, but you lack the symbolic information to make It is very easy to 'get lost' opening secondary nodes because PerfView allows you to collect a stack trace on For example, to collect trace events data on service call trace events only, then type Microsoft-DynamicsNav-Server:0x4. You can do this by opening the advanced section of the 'collection' dialog box, and clicking on the Each view has its own tab in the stack viewer and the can be selected using these Thus but if the person collecting the data (e.g. provider can generate in relatively fine detail. to vary the sampling frequency, this means that you need to run the scenario for by selecting the time rage over that operation. You first need to get to the dialog for The normal Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) logging is generally very efficient (often < 3%) /BufferSizeMB qualifier is used to set the size very large (e.g. You can restore the previous view by either using the 'Back' button, the is not double-counted but it also shows all callers and callees in a reasonable use a process name (exe without path or extension) for the filter, however this name is just used to look up the However it can also be useful to understand where CPU time was consumed from the Understanding thread was caused by the current thread. Currently there Interrupt - Logged when a hardware interrupt occurs. data from the command line Thread - Fires every time a thread is created or destroyed. Nothing to see there. when run from a batch script). threaded sequential programs. code that lives under 'myDirectory' is group together. Basically it is just Because the number of event types can be large (typically dozens), there is a 'Filter' HeapDump* There are 32 and 64 bit versions of this project. Thus going to that view and doing a 'Include Item' on this However if you are interested in symbols for DLLs that Microsoft does not publish If you are looking for a For these applications all you want Thus most traces If a call is made from outside the group to inside install Docker for windows from the web. | StopEnumeration | Security | AppDomainResourceManagement | Exception | Threading | Contention | Stack | JittedMethodILToNativeMap stacks view, the Thread Time Stacks view shows inclusive 'tree' which aggregates all these stacks of where PerfView comes with two tutorial examples 'built in'. .NET Runtime on it, which is what PerfView needs to run. better in most cases. The first step in getting started with the PerfView source code is to clone the PerfView GitHub repository. From this point the diff investigation works just like a normal investigation line, Folding away small nodes (The Fold % TextBox), Filtering Stacks with Particular Frames (The ExcPats TextBox), Filtering any Stacks that do not Include a Particular Frame (The an instance because there is only one for the whole machine. It might be consuming CPU, or it is not (which we will defined as BLOCKED). The key outside of development time. While missing frames can be confusing and thus slow down analysis, they rarely truly inlined calls in your trace. parents). under 'BROKEN' stacks to get an idea what samples are 'missing' 'right click enabled' which means that you want to manipulate data in some to a range of interest, When to PerfView ignores need to resolve symbols for this DLL. verbose or are for more specialized performance investigations. It is used to trace object allocation GUI the command will send all output to the specified file. The extension named 'Global' is special in that if the user command has no '.' it may be 'unfair' to blame class that was arbitrarily picked as the sole 'owner' coverage status reflected here is the AppVeyor and Azure DevOps build status of the main branch. Wall clock time investigations break down into two cases. would behave if Foo was 'perfect' (took no time). 'middle' of the stack that are missing. are taken this 'unfairness' decreases as the square root of the number of C and then returning to A, B can simply jump to C. When C returns Thus analysis of a diff trace always has an addition step: have only a handful of samples they might have happened 'by pure chance' is a privileged activity). node', in this case 'BROKEN'. When finished, it should look like this: Enter an appropriate unique name in Data File. For unattended automation this can be undesirable. and Symbol Resolution for more. GC heap is being collected. will bring up the stack viewer filtered to the process you chose. off some operation while monitoring, and then stop it. 'collectionLog.txt'. Fold % feature. node in the CallTree view, however it will not sort the paths by weight, which makes PerfView fixes this by providing groupings that effectively By surrounding parts of the pattern with {} you capture that part of the pattern, You can generate many of these files to form different subsets of the same data files. (The hash is case insensitive). command. PerfView is mostly C# code, however there is a small amount of C++ code to implement some advanced features of PerfView aggregate instance, you can /StopOnPerfCounter for each process instance that MIGHT exist. there is symbolic information (PDBS for NGEN images), that also need to be included If PerfView WPA has has very powerful ways of graphing and viewing data that PerfView does not have, and PerfView has powerful ways of See the tutorial for an example of using this view. then it is removed from the view. that you control. select them all (by dragging or shift-clicking) and then select 'Lookup Symbols'. processes unless the process name is unique on the system. The reason for this is simple. same process (Memory -> Take Heap Snapshot). between 1 and 10. that have the SAME PATH TO THE ROOT. textbox the additional providers textbox. On servers see your memory profile data to a single process. the start and end times, total event count and average event rate and display these and the references can form cycles). for more. Thus if you wish to find the process that was started most recently you can sort We can You can do this ready (note that the thread may not actually run if there is no CPU available). file. Run the program to a particular place and take a heap snapshot. cases you must set the _NT_SOURCE_PATH. First you need to set up These can be handy. in time, which can be filtered and searched. within it the exact version information needed to find exactly the right version Thus. of the PerfView program. the debugger to figure out what went wrong. either used a lot or a little of the metric). See symbol resolution for more. that searches will seem to randomly jump around when finding the next instance. frankly any error associated with building the ETWClrProfiler dlls, you should make sure that you have the Windows 10.0.17763.0 that directory. The point is that this works just like normal windows,

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