va spouse letter example for sleep apnea

I am in need of assistance. Now, I am just trying to understand, that it is a lawyer and not VSO rep., correct??? I live in Anderson, IN Now here in 2011 Im still battling with them and it seems like they are trying to build a case against me. I have reviewed the BVA cases of which many indicate apnea granted secondary to rhinitis, sinusits, or asthma. He adored his niece and loved taking her fishing. . Brian Reese here, Air Force service-disabled Veteran and Founder @ VA Claims Insider. I am trying to assist him with collecting additional evidence for his disability claim and this is very helpful. These letters can describe the nature of a veteran's observable symptomsincluding their onset, frequency, duration, and the extent to which they affect or interfere with the veteran's lifeas well as the events that may have precipitated the disability at issue. If I were to hire an attorney, he would get his normal retroactive fee. There are some nasty habits in VA that are part of the institutional culture. On July 2015, I received an evaluation letter from the C&P stating that they are dropping my evaluation to 90% . Hang in there and hopefully, I will hear that you were successful. Also, does the VA automatically rule against genetic diseases? He seems to be sleeping normal and no more snoring but when he is not using the device he still snores and would stop breathing. The call is free and we won't charge you a single fee unless we win your case. Trust me your spouse will enjoy discussing how your snoring affects them! A fellow servicemember competently testifies to hearing the veteran snore and choke in his sleep during service, but he cannot state that the Veteran has sleep apnea. I know what you my fellow comrades are going through. Cir. Also, go to the VA for everything. thank you for letting me vent. 8 years worth. Depression, for example, may have been the cause for the daytime sleep patterns, not OSA. Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea include excess weight, narrowed airways, hypertension, smoking, genetic factors, chronic nasal obstruction, neck size, and diabetes. It took them 9 months to approve my request and that ended up been $13,000 in one payment direct deposit into my bank account. 03. He threw himself back into what he loved and seemed to improve. (Quote from Forrest Gump). left side of the screenthere it is folks!! I, Jane Doe, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: I married my husband, John Doe, on June 17, 2001. So, I did not benefits for about 2 years. I have since received (2) letters from the rating review board, and it said it was working on my case, by the way, I go to see my (Shrinks, Etc. ) Below are the samples VA nexus letters for sleep apnea. Now, through researching and this awesome website I have learned I need a letter from my doc to tie in my service connected conditions to SA. Thanks. Make sure you get it notarized, seek out those who fought with you- if possible Find another form here. Thank you for any help that you can give me. AMEN! I totally agree with you because my Dad, veteran from WW2, was just denied his VA benefits as small as they were. He is aformer active duty Air Force officerwith extensive experience leading hundreds of individuals and multi-functional teams in challenging international environments, including a combat tour to Afghanistan in 2011 supporting Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. It took three of his old high school friends to retrain him and help carry him home. Nexus Letters For Sleep Apnea. Hope its over soon . MSG VAM. It will change your life. each other. I was as thorough as possible with the original application, with assistance from the local rep. Other than the notification of receipt, Ive received no requests for additional documentation, ect. Post Apr 17, 2011 #1 2011-04-17T05:25. . 2. the doctors have me on cyclobenzaprine for muscle spas. and apply it to my case. ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW HOW I COULD GET ON FOX? Here is a sample of the first two pages of my application for disability compensation to the Dept of Veterans Affairs. and the icing on the cake, they chose to ignore a sworm letter by my. Nexus Letters are letters from a veteran's current physician (s) stating their medical opinion regarding the service-connection of a veteran's condition (s). From hang-nail to blindness, the veteran is very much out of luck. My one doctor wrote a letter but it was not sufficient. I did the DeNovo and was turned down. 3.303(d). During this time I had problems sleeping which continues to this day. A spousal letter can help you if you were married during your service and your wife observed the change in you after you developed sleep apnea. Thanks a lot. Apparently there were no orders cut so the VA says I need to give proof of each operation while in Cambodia and Vietnam border crossings. Williams redden. U>S Army 1971-74. Okay, what does all this mean for your VA claim? He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps a year after our wedding and served honorably as a combat engineer from July 2002 to July 2006. Two months later I received another eval letter granting me the 100% P&T! I'm a board-certified sleep medicine physician. You just need to contact your service organization or call the RO Winston-Salem directly. The use of medication to be put on bottle and VA requirement, but not enforced. They state that if I have an on-going chronic condition but havent been seen by a VA doctor about it, there is NO CHANCE it will be considered. Before enlisting, he was a happy person who enjoyed spending time with family and friends. He pulled out a gun, and John shot him dead on the spot. The VA does not care about the Vet now or never. Knowing where to start . Quick Tips for a VA Buddy Letter. How do I obtain a DBQ and a Medical Nexus Opinion? That tells them you are actively engaged in getting it processed. My prayer is wait upon the Lord he will hear our cries he will incline upon us he will pull us out of this horrible pit,and this mury clay place our feet on a solid rock and establish our comings and our goings. examinations for the VA. Who was leading the VA prior to the current Secretary Amber, Virginia. We went through it and she wrote down some notes on the side of something. It never hurts to get documentation from your civilian doctor about that condition if you saw one at that time for treatment. You might want them to have it notarized. GO FIGURE. Many times a Vet will have a condition that there IS NO TREATMENT for thus they will not see doctors, but just put up with it. The value accorded to other types oflayevidencedepends on such factors as. It goes on and on. How they come to this conclusion is beyond me, because as far as I know I didnt know you could joint the military as a cancer patient. MY STORY/CLAIM IS ACTUAL BUT DEFFERENT MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND DISORDERS IN SERVIVE AND DEPARTURES. If you have problems sleeping go to the va and request a sleep apnea test! The entire disability claims package, including documentation, was approximately 70 pages. Here is just one of them. Since cutting back on his drinking, John slowly began to open up to me about what happened while he was deployed. I recently ran into him at the VA and we caught up briefly. Hello, I think that claim denials will soon hit an all time high. RELATED: Veteran Shocked By Disability Rating Reduction 70 To 0 Percent. Anyone with any knowledge about breathing issues knows that these conditions overlap to some degree But the sleep specialist at Lackland tells me that none of my medical issues contributed to my sleep apnea so my question is.. ( short of going to a private doctor) how do I prove that my sleep apnea is secondary to my allergic rhinitis/sinusitis, and lung conditions. I got a rash within two years after I left Vietnam, While in Vietnam awoke with a blood stained pillow from my ear. This is not to say that VA regards buddy letters and buddy statements from a wife and medical evidence equally, but the information provided in a buddy letter can shape the medical evidence used to decide the claim, including providing the foundation upon which a medical opinion is based. Suite 1700 Amen my sister. I can literally read the VAs denial letter now: The veterans active duty service treatment records do not contain any medical evidence or subject complaints of the disability or condition., Heres the deal veterans: You can prove your VA disability claim and overturn previous denials of service connection using something called lay evidence.. I filed a CUE claim on the asthma which was granted in 1988, with an initial rating to date of discharge of 10% and then a 30% rating from date of the approved CUE. I used a layperson statement in my own disability claim on numerous occasions and successfully fought VA on my own case before I became a lawyer. Knowing where to start when filing your first disability compensation claim is daunting, and this quick article with my own sample will help ease your anxiety. Tell them about your vet affliations. Using a highlighter to highlight relevant diagnosis and injuries in my MIL med records seemed to work great. I cannot hire an attorney at this time due to needing my decision and no matter what, I am planning on suing for one million plus due to non disclosure. It was good to see him, and I hope that, in time, we can restore our friendship to the way it was before we deployed. to this date, i have lost my wife and kids from dealing with my siutation that the military discharged me with no help. You guys have senators in the states we dont have any here to support us locally or in congress, we live on an island. Then medical records and personnel records sent to me from St Louis and VA were totaly incomplete. I am sickened, sad, and angry after reading these posts. Go to the website at 251 North Main Street I file a disability claim in 2003 for IBS and was granted 0%. I would rather die which I will do as a result of malpractice at the hands of an incompetent foreign doctor in the VA emergency room, than to go thru this arduous and torturous dog and horse show and reems of paperwork to add to my misery before I die and then wait an enormous amount of time which I do not now have thanks to the VA uncaring attitude. Google searches can provide inform, Harvest Delicious Red Tomatoes with Red Rocket in Hot Climates South of Memphis, Tomatoes are a popular and versatile crop that can be grown in many climates, but it is important to choose the right variety for your climate. Founder of, a VA watchdog news source that holds the Dept. A few years ago, prior to the PTSD diagnoses, I was diagnosed with mixed (central, and obstructive) sleep apnea. Whether you are using plastic or fabric containers, Earthboxes, or even old buttercream buckets, there are a few important things to consider before planting. You're not alone. Even if it does feel like a hot needle being moved back and forth. I served from 1968-70, my initial complaints which were backed by the Veterans Doctors, & my own Specialists for the following Diseases, they are as follows: PTSD, Agent Orange, Hepatitis B, after (41 yrs. I have shrapnel in my right knee from a grenade that got me just outside of Camp Dobol and the nightmares from the bodies in mass grave sites. 3.303(b) by (a) evidence of (i) the existence of a chronic disease in service or during an applicable presumption period under 38 C.F.R. I always tell my clients; no VA disability claim has ever been denied because there was simply too much evidence! VA Disability: $23k PTSD Medical Nexus Letter. I could only prove to the VA(lost medical records, of course) that what occurred, did occur, be submitting my letters sent home to my mother and sisters, with copies of letters, with Vietnam(APO)postmarks and details consistent with servie in a wartime setting. Base Total sample Letters indicate. In order to ensure the VA accepts the statement as being from someone credible and competent, the person giving the statement should have first-hand knowledge of the veteran or the veterans service. Ive since recieved 2 letters in the last 2weeks telling me they are working on my benifits. I hereby certify that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The way the VA is, Im guessing I will be needing legal counsel shortly. Examples Templates. For a limited time, you can book a free, no-obligation VA Claim Discovery Call with one of our experts. I am 40% service connect thru the VA for loss of hearing, athuritis, + eczema. try for Compensation & Disability from the VA. I ve been chaptered (61) out from the US Army on 2009 with 82% SC disability from the MEB/PEB. Justice and fairness is all we want. The threshold consideration is competence: the author of a buddy letter must be competent to discuss the subject matter discussed in the letter. I was honorably discharged from USMC for chronic back problems after a fall while in training. His tone was very matter of fact. to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA for disability. Stan download the va disability question are for respiratory ailments at website. Were here for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and who wish to learn more about that process. This is absolutely amazing documentation. Lewis Sanders Retired First Sergeant, I am a veteran that has continue to file claims for service connected disability and continues to be denied bases on not making my appointments with QTC here in the metro Atlanta office located on Peachtree Street downtown Atlanta. I dont know what the outcome will be nor do I have my hopes up. www. The following is to provide you with view inside VSR-world. Went to all their doctors too. Never about Iraq and my whole Army experience. As a fellow disabled Veteran this is shameful and Im on a mission to change it. Provide this to yourVSO or attorney to help begin the process, whether on appeal or filing a new claim or anywhere in between. Buddy letters can therefore play an extremely valuable role in winning VA disability cases. In any regards youre providing a great service. of The VA. Research: http://www.VA So the question again, how to prove service connection for sleep apnea secondary to either asthma/allergic rhinitis or sinusits short of going through another sleep study and a private doctors opinion.

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